Hazel’s fever broke this morning. Thanks for the limo ride. When I got home, I was well rested and ready to take over for Hannah. You’re the best.

I tell Henn I’m relieved to hear the news, and then rope Josh into the chat, at which point I tell my two best friends the shocking news that I’ve decided to propose to Georgina. The three of us exchange texts and gifs for a while, trying to come up with the perfect location and plan for my proposal, until Georgina stirs next to me in bed and I quickly tell my friends I’ve got to go.

“Hey, good lookin’,” Georgina says, her voice husky.

I put down my phone. “Hey, beautiful. How’d you sleep?”

“Like a baby.” She rubs my thigh underneath the covers. “Who were you texting with?”

“Henn. He left early from our fraternity brother’s birthday party in Vegas the other night because Hazel had a high fever. He was just updating me. Her fever’s broken and she’s doing great.”

“Aw, that’s great. I’m so impressed he left Vegas early to be with his sick baby.”

“Yeah, all flights had left already for the night, so he booked a limo and hightailed it home.” Okay, yes, Georgina and I have decided to be open books. But there’s no reason for me to mention I’m the one who booked the damned limo for Henn. For all I know, she’d slip that little nugget into her atrocious “Reed Rivers Can Turn Water Into Wine” fluff piece.

Georgina snuggles up to me and the touch of her warm flesh against mine makes my heart rate increase.

“Henn is such a good daddy.”

“Same with Josh. Both of them love being fathers.”

She runs her fingertip down the ridges and grooves of my abs for a long moment. “So, what are your thoughts about becoming a father one day? Is that a firm ‘never’? Or is it more like, ‘Never say never’?”

Wow. I didn’t see that coming. I open and close my mouth a few times, sincerely unsure how to answer the question.

She adds quickly, “Everything I’ve read says you’re not interested in having a kid. But, you know, rule number one of journalism is to go straight to the source, whenever you can.”

My heart is clanging against my sternum now. “I think I’ll answer your question with a question of my own. Would you like to have a baby one day? If your answer is yes, then my answer is, ‘Yes, I’d be willing to have a baby with you one day. Not in the near future, please. But, yes. One day.’ And if your answer is that you don’t want a baby, then my answer would be, ‘I’m perfectly fine with not having a baby.’”

I’m thinking this is a monumental answer. Shocking. Earth quaking. But Georgina looks wholly unimpressed.

“I’m asking what you want, in your heart of hearts. Not what you think I want.”

“I just told you what I truly want. What I said is my honest answer.”

Georgina flushes, the enormity of what I’ve said hitting her, full force.

I sit up and look down at her. “So, what do you truly want? Do you want to have a baby one day, in your heart of hearts? Don’t tell me what you think I want to hear. Tell me the truth.”

She bites her full lower lip, and the sparkle in her hazel eyes makes it abundantly clear what she’s about to say. “Well, not any time soon... but, yes. I can’t imagine not being a mommy one day. Like, maybe when I’m thirty?”

And just like that, I see my future in Georgina’s hazel eyes. I see my future family. And, to my extreme shock, the vision doesn’t terrify me. It only makes my heart skip a beat to imagine Georgina with a baby on her hip, the way T-Rod had one at Hazel’s birthday party.

“Then I guess we’re gonna have a baby one day, baby.”

She touches my arm. “I’d never want to bring a child into the world with you, though, if that’s not truly what you want.”

I take her hand. “Am I chomping at the bit to have a kid, in this moment? No. I’m not. But, sweetheart, if you get to the point where you truly want one, and you honestly feel ready, then, boom. Decision made. We’re having a baby. I mean, come on, I’m sure as shit not letting you have one with someone else.”

She pulls me down and snuggles into me with glee. “I love you so much.”

“Good. Because I love you. Just, promise me, we’re not boarding the baby train any time soon. I want you all to myself for a while. I want to show you the world. Fuck you in forty countries.”

She sighs happily. “Sounds great to me. I want you all to myself for a long while, too. Plus, I want to get established in my career.”