“I can’t believe her mother took that money.”

“Don’t judge her too harshly. Katrina’s father wasn’t in the picture. Her mother, an immigrant, worked three jobs. So, a hundred grand was life-changing money to that family. All Katrina had to do was transfer schools and shut the fuck up about Gates forevermore. I can’t really blame them for taking the deal, especially after the principal had basically called her a liar. I’m sure Katrina figured a hundred grand in her and her mother’s pockets would help her a whole lot more than going to the police and being called a liar again.”

Georgina looks down at her wine glass on the table, shaking her head. “What about the other girl? Did she get paid off, too?”

“She did. Penny was fifteen when Gates did whatever he did to her. A sophomore on the newspaper staff. Unlike Katrina, she didn’t report him to anyone. But we have text messages between Penny and Gates, where she tells him she feels ‘sick’ about what she ‘let’ him do to her and that she’d been crying nonstop about it all day. She says she’d never done anything like that before and she feels like throwing up every time she thinks about it. Next thing you know, Steven Price was wiring Penny and her mother two hundred grand as part of a confidential settlement.”

“No father in the picture?”

“No father. Not sure if that was a coincidence or a sign of Gates’ MO. Maybe he figured girls with one parent at home, like you, had less of a support system. Or maybe he thought one parent would be easier to convince, later on, that nothing happened. Either way, by the time Gates assaulted Penny, he was Steven Price’s man. Brody had gone on to play football at Purdue. His first pick. And the next Price brother, Brendon, was having a golden season and getting courted by top colleges.”

“And the principal?”

“It’s not clear what he knew about Penny. We found nothing to indicate he knew anything. But who knows?”

Georgina picks up her wine glass and takes a long gulp. When she replaces her glass, she puts her elbows onto the table and sinks her face into her hands. “This is... horrible.”

I get up and pull her to me. Take her into my arms. Hold her tight and kiss her cheek. “Don’t beat yourself up about not telling anyone. You did the best you could under the circumstances.”

“But I’m not seventeen anymore.”

“No, you’re not.”

“But what good would it do to speak up now? It’s been almost five years since he tried to rape me—and it’d still be my word against his because those other two girls signed confidentiality agreements. I’d be on my own, the same as always. He said, she said. Only, now, five years later.”

“The truth is the truth, whether anyone believes you or not. Maybe, if you speak up, you’ll save the next girl. And if you don’t, at least you tried.”

She makes a tortured sound. “I need some time to think. Can you send me everything Henn sent you?”

“Of course. How about you read it after we get back from New York, though? Like you said, it’s been almost five years. Surely, it can wait another five days. In the meantime, let’s have fun and celebrate your birthday and forget about this shit.”

She looks grateful for the suggestion. “Yes. I’d like that.”

“In fact, let’s kick off that game plan, starting now.” Without hesitation, I scoop my beloved butterfly into my arms like a bride, making her swoon audibly. “Come on, beautiful. One giant dose of pleasure-induced amnesia, coming right up.”

Chapter 19


I’m deliciously tipsy as I stare at Reed’s gyrating, muscular ass in the mirrored ceiling. My wrists are bound. So are my ankles. I’m spread eagle as Reed fucks me. Staring at that mouthwatering ass. The way his hard muscles clench and unclench magnificently with each beastly thrust is sublime. And the best part? As Reed claims me, he keeps whispering to me in a husky growl. He tells me he loves me. That he worships me. He says I own him. And in reply, I’m groaning out words like “I love you” and “so good” and “that ass!” And, of course, the words Mr. Hottie told me to say the first time he laid eyes on me at the panel discussion: “Yes... yes... yes.”

When I reach climax this time, I feel like I’m having a seizure. Which, in fact, I think I am. And, of course, my release sends Reed over the edge, too.

With a soft kiss to my lips, Reed unties me and pulls me to him, and I cleave my naked body to his, leaving not even the slightest space between us, literally or figuratively.

We talk about tomorrow’s trip to New York. About how excited Reed is to show me the City for my first time.