Ty smiled against his lips. Zane chased him when he pulled back, kissing him again. It grew more heated, needier, devolving quickly into two men who hadn’t seen each other in a month and desperately wanted to touch each other. Zane rolled Ty until they both tumbled off the couch and Ty was sprawled on the floor, Zane straddling him. “Have we caught up enough that I can start taking your clothes off?”

Ty laughed, a carefree, boyish sound, and glanced to his side, distracted by what he saw. “You moved the rug.”

“I kitty-cornered it.”

“Why would you do that?” Ty asked, aghast.

“To see you lose your shit when you got home.” Zane leaned closer, grinning evilly. “There are other things out of order too. Books not alphabetized. Coffee mug handles facing different directions.” He lowered his voice to a whisper as Ty’s eyes widened in horror. “The closet isn’t color coded.”

“You’re just watching the world burn, huh?”

Zane laughed.

“God I missed you,” Ty said in a rush of breath.

Zane grabbed a handful of Ty’s hair and tugged, and when Ty’s head tipped back, Zane kissed him hungrily, not letting go of him. Ty’s laugh turned into a growl, and suddenly there was no space between them. No tears or lonely days, no secrets and no lies. Just Ty and Zane. On the floor of their row house. On a crooked rug.

Zane reached between them to unzip Ty’s jeans, and then began struggling with loosening his own belt.

Ty’s growl became a groan as Zane rose up onto his knees. Ty jerked Zane’s pants down to his thighs and sat up, kissing his stomach.

Zane’s fingers tightened in his hair. He watched, inhaling sharply as Ty wrapped his hands around Zane’s hips and dragged his teeth over Zane’s hip bone. He tugged Zane’s briefs down, grasping the back of one of Zane’s thighs.

“Jesus, Ty,” Zane managed. He wanted nothing more than to hold the back of Ty’s head right there by his hair and shove himself down Ty’s throat, but there was something else he’d been fantasizing about as he lay in bed alone, something he had to do now that Ty was back.

So he gripped Ty’s hair harder and moved off him. “Get on the couch,” he growled.

Zane grabbed the back couch cushions and tossed them to the floor. Ty began to laugh again, but he climbed onto the couch like he’d been told. He reached up to touch Zane, fingers digging into his hips. He thought Zane intended to f**k his mouth. He was ready for it, grinning.

Ty was too much to resist like that, and Zane leaned down to kiss him messily, settling between Ty’s legs to let their bodies rub together as he moved.

Then he pushed back up and unzipped Ty’s jeans the rest of the way, tugging at them. He didn’t pull them off, though, instead standing to kick out of his suit pants. Ty sat up long enough to pull off his shoes and socks and toss them to the floor, then shimmy out of his jeans and boxers.

“You gonna do this wearing the jacket?” Ty asked.

Zane closed his eyes as that image flashed through him.

“You should have kept that skull bandana, Zane, it was the hottest thing I’d ever seen.”

“Christ, Ty,” Zane snarled. He yanked his battered leather jacket off and tossed it aside, struggling out of the rest of his clothes. Once naked, he knelt on the floor and bent over Ty’s lap, taking him into his mouth to suck and tease, hands traveling up and down Ty’s thighs and gripping his hips.

Ty breathed Zane’s name as he arched his back. It was a sound Zane had sorely missed. He had missed everything about this: the easy teasing, the feel and smell of Ty’s body against his, the sounds Ty made when Zane touched him. Zane’s month alone had been a good one, but God was he glad to have Ty in his arms again.

Zane pushed off him and raised his head to kiss him again, tugging him close, wrapping him up. He stretched his hand down Ty’s body, soaking in the warmth, re-familiarizing himself with the hard muscles and pulling at Ty’s hip.

He wanted to maul him.

The muscles of Ty’s shoulders and back bunched as he reached for Zane. He licked and kissed at Zane’s ear. “What do you want?”

“I want you the other way,” Zane commanded.

Ty raised one eyebrow. “You sure?”

Zane nodded and grinned, his hands sliding over Ty’s skin. Ty kissed him one last time, then Zane was stretched out on the couch and Ty clambered carefully over him. Ty shifted back until his c**k slid along Zane’s cheek. With a groan, he dropped his head and licked along the side of Zane’s cock.

Zane didn’t waste any time. He wrapped his hands around Ty’s hips and took Ty into his mouth, yanking so Ty would thrust down. He groaned appreciatively at the added stimulus of Ty’s tongue. Very little could get Ty hotter faster than a hard c**k between his lips, but it had taken Zane a few years to accept that the same might true of him. This was one of Ty’s favorite things to do. Ty had told him that many times. So why the hell shouldn’t Zane enjoy it to the fullest?

Ty started moving his hips, tentatively pushing down into Zane’s mouth. Zane heard and felt Ty’s groan.

Zane let his hands roam as he sucked, shifting to push up against Ty’s tongue, pulling down to encourage Ty to thrust harder. It worked, and Ty finally gave him a firm thrust. He was supporting himself on one arm, the fingers of his other hand wrapped around the base of Zane’s c**k to squeeze.

Zane went into sensory overload. With Ty’s mouth around his c**k and his lips closed around the head of Ty’s, his ears began buzzing and pleasure built in his groin. He dug his hands into Ty’s hips, dragging his fingers along his skin, then raised one knee up and worked it under Ty’s arm so he could wrap his legs around Ty’s torso. Ty gasped, pulling his mouth off Zane to curse under his breath and moan desperately before sucking Zane onto his tongue again.

Even if Zane had wanted to say something, Ty was pressed too close for him to get his mouth free. Ty’s measured strokes began to grow erratic as Ty sucked Zane harder. His fingers dragged along the crease of Zane’s thigh and slide down to tease between his legs.

Zane hiked his leg up higher, writhing under Ty’s body and moaning loudly as Ty thrust into his mouth. It was only a few more strokes before Ty groaned desperately and pushed himself up on both hands, coming almost free of Zane’s mouth. “Zane,” he gasped.

“No, come back,” Zane breathed as he grasped Ty’s hips and raised his head to take Ty back to his mouth. He licked him up and down, then ran his tongue over Ty’s balls and sucked one of them into his mouth.