“Oh good! You’re here!” Delila claps her hands. “The vehicles will be here any second.”

I lean against one of the walls as Val and Kenan argue about a new song Halsey just released. I had already heard it and loved it, but the song reminded me of the flight back to the US from Kiznitch.

Arms wrapped around me from behind, and I didn’t have to turn to know who it was. Smirking, I sink into his chest, turning around in his embrace. “Hey.”

He kisses me against my lips. “You wanna ride with me?”

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “What, as in your RV?”

“Nah, as in on my dick.”

I shove him and he laughs, his white teeth a complete contrast to his tanned, smooth skin. Two dimples sink into each cheek as he leans down and bites my bottom lip between his teeth. “I’m not joking,” he growls over my mouth, but only loud enough for us both to hear.

“I know you’re not.”

He pulls back slightly as Delila starts talking in the background. Spinning around but remaining in his arms, I rest my head against his chest as we listen to Delila’s plans.

Killian’s mouth comes down to the back of my ear. “Are you going to make me wait for your answer?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know.”

He exhales. “Perse doesn’t want you near Callan until she figures out her next move, Callan is on the side that we don’t really trust right now.”

Makes sense now. It’s not that he wants me in his bus, it’s that Perse doesn’t want Callan in mine.

“What do you mean you guys don’t trust Callan?” I whisper, needing more of an answer.

“Don’t know yet. There’s just some shit that has been happening, and we need to find out where it’s coming from. In the meantime, you’re riding with me.”

Just as I ponder over what he’s offering, Delila yaps about our schedule, which starts in San Antonio.

“Saskia, it’s a seven to eight-hour drive. It won’t kill you.”

I sigh, biting the inside of my cheek. “Fine.”

He sucks on my neck, enough to leave a bruise. “Good girl.”

“Did you just give me a fucking hickey?” I reach for his dick and squeeze it in the palm of my hand, keeping a smile on my face. Anyone in front of us can’t see because I’m blocking the view.

“Babe,” Killian coughs, pushing my hand away.

I release him with a smirk. He grabs me roughly, squeezing me into his chest. “You’ll regret that,” he whispers into my ear, biting down on my lobe.

“God, can you both not?” Val jokes, shoving me backward and farther into Killian. He feels good behind me. Even if he did just literally mark me. Twice. But, I feel safe. Protected. For the seconds that I’m in his arms, the minutes don’t matter.

“If we can all move to the front of the house so we can ensure this goes smoothly.”

We do. The whole time Killian refuses to let me go. It’s confusing for the most part, but I go with it. I’ve not seen Callan since we’ve been here.

“Why are you stealing my best friend?” Kenan scolds Killian just as I’m about to step inside The Brothers’ infamous RV.

“Ken,” I hush sadly.

“Listen, if that bitch murders me, it’s your guys’ fault,” Kenan declares.

Killian groans.

I look up at Killian.

“Nope. No, fuck you.” He shoves past me and heads into the RV.

“I tried.” I shrug at Kenan.

His eyes turn to slits. “Tried what?”

“To get him to agree to you coming with us in here.”

He looks confused for a brief second. “You both had a conversation without having a conversation? Yeah, you’re both fucked. I’ll see you in eight hours!” Kenan turns, leaving me with my thoughts.

Was he right? Did that just happen?

I climb the steps until I’ve landed on the final one and I’m looking at all of The Brothers—except King—who are watching me carefully.

“Okay, I get it,” I say, stepping farther into the bus, just as Killian is walking down the stairs. “You don’t want me here.”

“No one said anything about that…” Keaton doesn’t bring his eyes to mine.

Kyrin glares at me.

I shuffle uncomfortably as another person stumbles up the stairs.

“Sorry I’m late, didn’t want to fucking come!”

I turn around to see who the voice belongs to when I’m stopped in my tracks.

His eyes turn weak. “Wow, we meet again, and I see my cousin is making it comfortable with you now.”

I turn slightly over my shoulder as Killian yanks me into his chest from behind. He may as well throw me over his shoulder too since he wants to be a fucking caveman all of a sudden.

“Hey, Kaizer, right?”

He smirks at me. “Right, and you’re Saskia? The girl who slays dragons.”

“She is the dragon, Kaiz. Go to the driver’s seat where you need to be.” Kyrin sounds bored as Kaizer shuffles past us and heads to the front of the bus, dropping his bags beside him. I take it in quickly. Though I’ve been in here before, I’ve never had the chance to really see inside. Take it all in.