“Killian,” she whimpers. “Please.” I bring my forehead to hers and grind against her. The slapping of our bodies filling up the space between us.

“Can’t. Don’t wanna let you go.”

She brings her face up to mine, her fingers hooking around my neck. “Always yours. No matter what.”

I groan as my cum shoots out from me and spills inside her pussy. Her hair is wet and matted against her face, her lips opening as she screams out one final orgasm. Her walls clench around my thick cock like a fucking vise. “She doesn’t want me to leave either.” I smirk as we both allow our bodies to tumble down together.

I press a soft kiss against her lips, and then against her neck to the side. I’m still inside her when I bite down on her neck. “I’ll give you space,” I say breathlessly. “But if you try to fill that space with another man, I’ll kill him, and then fuck you over top of his rotting corpse before sending him back to his family members piece by piece. Comprende?”

“You already know that’s not me, and it really should be me saying that.” I pull out of her reluctantly, loving the way our cum is dripping down my balls.

I reach down and swipe some of it up before rubbing it over her swollen tits. “Mine.”

“Yes.” She nods.

We were on the road for three days before we finally arrived in New York. Our first stop without Delila. I knew this was going to be hard for Maya, not that I had seen her much. She has withdrawn a lot from everyone, but attached herself even closer to Killian. Justice is dealing with it better than I would have expected, and I think that has to do with him trying to be strong for Maya. Killian and I haven’t spoken much at all since his house in New Orleans. I’ve made my decision, and I know that I have forgiven him, but now I don’t know how to go about making it known that I have. I don’t want it to look like I’m taking him away from Maya, who needs him more than I do right now—so I’ll wait. At least a little longer, until Maya is looking healthier or at the very least, she’s not using drugs anymore.

I’m walking through the crowds of people that are hanging around the front of the tent, ready to enter for our first show when I feel someone watching me in the line.

Spinning around, my eyes fly all over the place as shivers wrack my body. I don’t like that. Knowing someone is watching me and feeling that it’s not in a good way.

“Damn…” someone grunts under his breath, and I turn to face where it came from. I’m wearing what I’ll be wearing for my first fire scene, so the metal bralette, leather skirt and Cal, the snake. I feel bad naming it that now that she’s no longer here, but Kenan has heard from her and he has said that she has moved to somewhere in the Pacific Northwest.

My hair and makeup are done to perfection, as per usual, and my body is shining with glitter.

When my eyes land on three guys and one girl, who has epic pink hair and is holding a small belly in front of her, I smile at them all to be polite. They’re all very attractive, and would probably fit into this life had they been given a chance.

“I wouldn’t touch that…” King says, walking up behind me when he catches the guys staring at me. I thought he was talking to me until I notice he’s looking right at the guy who said damn.

“Oh, come on. When did The Brothers get so fucking greedy!” the guy says, and I can’t help but chuckle. They obviously know The Brothers to be able to say that statement out loud.

“Ignore Eli.” The pink haired beauty rolls her eyes. “He hasn’t had any pussy in months.”

Eli’s face falls, shocked at the pink haired girl’s admittance. “You are getting way worse in the second trimester.”

The pink haired girl looks at me. “I’m Tillie, this is Eli, Nate, Brantley, and Bishop.” I try not to look at all the guys for too long, knowing that she’s obviously with one of them.

“I’m Saskia,” I say, bringing my hand to hers.

“No way!” Tillie smiles. “I love that name!”

“Oh, here we go,” the guy closest to her grumbles.

“So why is she out of bounds?” Eli asks, and I can’t help but smirk at him. He’s cute. Very attractive in a pretty boy way. Very pretty.

“She’s Killian’s.” King laughs, shaking his head.

“Ah, but Killian shares!” Eli starts walking toward me and King shakes his head, his hand coming to Eli’s chest.

“Not this one.”

Shock flashes over Eli’s face as his eyes swing up to a couple of his friends. “Wow. Really? Am I really going to be the last one who is not pussy whipped out of all you motherfuckers.”