We all pile out of the cabin and back into the convertible Jeep. We watch in silence as the cabin slowly burns, the metal roof caving in until it’s ignited into a ball of flames.

Kyrin pulls out from the way we came. “Love the fucking smell of revenge.”

I hated being that fucking person. The one that someone has to lean on in order to get through whatever it is that they’re going through, but I knew that two girls needed that from me right now.

After we dropped Saskia back off at my plantation home in Kiznitch—with my fucking mother and the rest of the witches—we make our way back to Kosta’s house in Patience. Patience is a town on the outskirts of Kiznitch. When Midnight Mayhem was started, and those who didn’t make the cut got hurt, they moved out of Kiznitch and straight into Patience, which was only an hour drive away. It was far enough away for none of us to step on each other’s toes. Through the years, there was no vivid beef between us. I mean, we always hated them and them us, for obvious reasons, but we never were actively warring with each other, until the shit went down with Perse. We knew that we could end them if we wanted. Not only did Kiznitch have the manpower and numbers, but the Four Fathers are four of the most powerful men in the world. Each Father has a talent, and each Father, has a skill—a career—that they provide for Kiznitch and help keep our world alive. Us as Brothers take on our Father’s role when the next generation comes up, but it’s not always guaranteed that we get another Four Brothers of Kiznitch. Once one brother has a kid, we will all have to try for them. Hopefully not until we’re over fucking thirty. Until then, we’re Brothers until the time comes. The seven-point star that we wear as a crest signifies the seven founding families of Kiznitch. Initially, they did it years ago to stop any family lines from crossing over. If we all knew where we came from, we knew where not to go. I mean, this was fucking hundreds of years ago, when the town was only just founded. Now we have thousands and thousands of civilians who live in Kiznitch amongst us, but they all know who the founding families are. Where they came from or where they crossed from. Not all families who live in Kiznitch were born there. It’s like any town. Only with seven powerful last names. Kiznitch isn’t a small town by any means, it’s only small if you’re one of the Four or one of the founding families.








All seven founding families, fucking Kiznitch royalty. Now one of the greats has fallen, and not just anyone, fucking Delila. She has been the rock of Midnight Mayhem since before I can remember. Maya and Delila didn’t have the best relationship, but they loved each other as much as either of them could love.

“You going to go to Maya?” Kyrin asks as we make our way back into the war zone.

“When I get home, yeah.”

Everyone is quiet when we walk in, blood spilling out over the affluent marble floor in the lounge room, right where everyone drew guns not long ago.

Our fathers are still in here, along with King, Keaton, Kohen—King’s twin brother—and Kaizer. Delila is in the same spot, unmoving. Her body has obviously started to shift into rigor mortis, with her skin palling to an unnatural shade of purple and her body swelling.

I count the bodies. “Seven? Thought there’d be more than that.”

Kaius, King’s dad and the leader of the Four Fathers, shakes his head. “There would have been, had the rest of them not submitted.”

I shuffle farther into the room, taking a seat on the sofa where Saskia once was. “By submit, are you saying that we’re going to invite them into Mayhem?”

Dad sits down beside me, drawing his ankle up to rest on his knee. “No. They will need a transition. Weed out the bad ones.”

I shake my head. “No. I don’t fuckin’ want any of them near—” I pause, searching for the right words.

“Saskia?” Kaius asks, leaning against the wall farthest from me.

“Yeah.” I run my hands over my face.

“Son, what are you doing with her? She was planted into Mayhem, how do you trust her?” My father interrupts Kaius.

I bring my eyes to his. “The same way you trust Mom, even though she sleeps with everyone in the coven.”

Dad rolls his eyes. “What your mother does isn’t something I care about.”

I know that. I didn’t grow up in a family where my parents were in love, or kissed or cuddled. Probably has a lot to do with my issues with women as I’ve grown, and probably my sexual aggression, but whatever, I don’t deflect. I own my problems.