He continued. In and out. In and out. “You’re going to be punished for your weakness in the very place your kind resides, Little Doll.” I didn’t know who owned that voice. I didn’t care. I lost my self-worth the second Kosta raped me, now anything after is a wrinkled version of reality, warped and twisted.

I looked up from watery eyes, directly at another boy opposite me. He was wearing a hoodie, covering his face. He was chained. Before I could think too much about him, I drifted off to sleep as the onslaught continued.

“Do you know how many, Saskia?” I knew what Kyrin was asking.

Tears built up in my eyes. “I don’t know. I fell asleep.”

Killian shuffles so he’s beside me. Kyrin’s hand comes to my chin to tilt my head up to his.

“Fifteen.” I choke out a cry, my hand covers my mouth. Tears slide down my face for the second time tonight and I can’t stop them. Pain takes hold in my chest as energy drains from my limbs. I feel vacant while my body feels occupied by people that didn’t belong in there.

“You were fucking thirteen, Little Dragon…” Kyrin says softly.

“Baby…” Killian whispers into my neck, his lips softly rushing over my flesh. “I’m here.”

My eyes flash open to find Kyrin’s on mine. I can’t trust anyone, ever. No one. But for right now, I want to put my trust in Kyrin and Killian. Kyrin has displayed more emotions than I have ever, or would ever think he could, and now we share a common ground.

This ground.

The ground of this cabin.

My mouth opens—but Kyrin’s phone starts blaring in his pocket and he reaches in, bringing it to his ear. “What’s wrong?”

He hangs up his phone. “I’ll be back soon. They need my help.”

“With?” I ask, though I’m not sure I really want the answer.

Ky smirks. “Ever seen a face with no flesh?”

I cringe. “Ew.”

Kyrin chuckles. “I’ll try not to be too long.”

When Kyrin leaves, I swallow past the pain that’s throbbing in my throat, my pulse increasing. I need to know. I need to understand. Before I can stop myself, I’m reaching up to Killian’s face. When my finger touches the curve of where his cheekbone meets his jaw, I stop breathing. “It hurts.”

Killian steps forward, sucking my finger into his mouth as his other hand circles my lower back. “What do you want from me?” His lips come to mine, and I open for him as his tongue dips inside my mouth. My arm hooks around the back of his neck as I feel my tears roll down my cheek, falling from my lips.

I pull back slightly, my heart aching and my vision blurring slightly.

“I don’t care what they did to you, Saskia, I care what you feel.”

My eyes squeeze closed. “I need to—this cabin.”

His hand slips beneath my pants, the cushion of his thumb pressing against my clit. “I’ll kill them.”

My mouth falls open, a soft moan slipping between my lips. “You have demons too.”

He grips onto my waist and lifts me onto the table. The table that helped steal a piece of my soul. His hand dips beneath my top, removing it slowly. “True. I have many, but I wouldn’t be the devil I am today if I never got to commit the sins I did then.” His lips fall onto mine, and I open my mouth as he slowly removes my clothes, until I’m wearing nothing but my panties and bra.

He licks his bottom lip, his eyebrows pulling in. “You’re going to fuck me on this table.” He leans up and takes a seat beside me, grabbing me by my hips and bringing me to his lap, so I’m straddling him. He breathes over my lips. “You’re going to use me to take back your control.” I sob into the crook of his neck, running my tongue over his skin. Slowly, he peels off my panties and flicks them to the side. I reach for his buckle on his belt pulling him free.

He hisses, biting down on my nipple. “Fuck. Make this quick because I don’t know how I’m not supposed to be rough with you.” I slide over his girth, my fingers flexing behind his neck. I clench around him like a vice, unwilling to release him as I draw out and slam myself back down.

“Fuck, babe,” he whispers into the side of my ear as I bring myself up again and grind over him.

He brings his lips to mine, kissing me roughly as he struggles with himself on where to put his hands. Finally, one hand is fisted in my hair as the other rests on the table beside him. I ride him hard, until the slapping of our bodies colliding amalgamates with the animalistic sounds that leave us both.

He brings his palm to my mouth. “If you keep screaming that way, baby, I’m going to get you pregnant.”