I snort, and then clear my throat.

Delila looks between Perse and I. “Oh what’s the matter? The two queens can’t take a bit of competition. Get used to it. Girls will always be all over The Brothers’ dicks.”

I rear my head back. “Yeah, I don’t care.”

Delila ignores me. “Don’t worry who it is. She has been in there a while and owes me a favor. I wasn’t waiting around and twiddling my thumbs, you should know this,” she says to King.

“I thought that we were going to wait…” King announces, obviously frustrated that Delila made a decision without him.

“For what? The Fathers to give their blessing? That will never happen because in their eyes, well, all but Kallisto, they’d just take them all out.”

“Seems legit.” Killian shrugs, taking a seat on the bed but facing me, with his knee pulled up and his elbow resting on top.

Delila laughs. “Sometimes I find it truly fascinating how similar you are to your grandfather. He would be proud.” Delila stubs out her smoke in the ashtray beside the bed. “We will go on the road tomorrow, and we will get to the bottom of this, Saskia.”

My eyes go to Killian. “Is that why you pushed me away? Because you thought I was using you? You thought I was here with you as some kind of revenge?”

He doesn’t flinch. “Yes.”

“I don’t have any memories of you,” I whisper, shaking my head.

“You won’t want them,” Killian answers.

I feel myself slowly crumbling inside, the walls I’ve spent so many years building slowly turning to rubble. My lip quivers.

Killian reaches for me, pulling me into his chest. I sink into his grasp, confused and not wanting to talk anymore. I don’t want to so much as entertain anyone with small talk.

“Is this official?” Perse asks, gesturing between us but pointing her question at Killian. “Because if it is, I have the right to chop off your dick if I see Callan hanging off your arm next time.”

I snuffle. Usually, I’d laugh, but with the mixture of everything that has been said, the sex and all of the orgasms Killian has given me tonight, I’m struggling to keep my eyes open.

“It’s not, but you don’t have to worry about Callan coming near me, Little Bird.”

“And other girls?” Perse persists.

“P,” King growls. “Let them sort that shit out, it’s none of your business.”

Perse sighs and then drops down opposite me. “We will talk some more tomorrow. For now, I need you all to get some rest.” Perse’s hand comes to mine. I relax at her touch. “I’m sorry, Saskia. I’m going to be here for you through everything.”

“It’s okay, Perse. It’s not your fault. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She kisses me on the head and glares at Killian. “Take care of her, Trickster. I mean it about your dick.”

“Oh come on,” he jests. “The one time you say something about my dick and it’s in the context of chopping it off.”

“Snip, snip!” she sing-songs while closing the door behind her.

And then it’s just us.

“Hey.” He pulls me back, searching my eyes. I can barely look at him. I don’t know how to feel about or toward him now that I know—without knowing. When someone knows parts about you that you don’t know, they get to decide whether or not they want to give them back to you. That’s a lot of power for Killian to have over me.

“Just tired,” I murmur, yawning.

“Yeah, okay.” He pulls me into his chest more, flipping the bedside light off. Before I can move myself in a position that will make him comfortable, I’m drifting off to sleep with his scent and touch drowning me.

It was four a.m. when I woke this morning. Not that I got much fucking sleep to begin with. Between my raging hard cock, Saskia’s body wrapped around me, and everything that happened last night, sleep didn’t want to come.

So that’s why I’m here.

Feet to grass running through the woods we run through any time we’re back in The Big Easy. “No Regrets” From Eminem is pulsing through my headphones as sweat pours from my chest.

I fucking told her last night, and what’s worse, is that I believe her. I believe her every single time she looks up at me with those bright blue eyes. I squeeze mine shut briefly in an attempt to block hers out, only it never works. She and I are fighting the same war that neither of us will win.

I left her early this morning, needing to restock my clothes from home before we set out on the road tonight. Hitting King’s house, my phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out to a text from her.

Drago—Where’d you disappear to?

I type out a reply. Had to grab some shit and shower.

Drago—Oh, true.

She doesn’t reply again so I make my way into the house, kicking the door closed behind me. Perse is standing in the hallway, leaning against the doorframe that leads to the back of the house.