Delila sighs, flicking her smoke butt over the patio. “You must wear that tonight during your official initiation.” She ignores my question. “Perse will be going through with you, as well as Callan and Kenan. We have the Four Fathers who have just arrived as well as the Four Wicked Witches.” Delila snickers, and I know for a fact that that’s not what they’re called. Under different circumstances, I might have found her jab funny. She comes closer to me, her eyes searching mine. “Good god, child. I really wish that I could help you.”

Confusion floats around me like a shield, blocking everything out. I don’t remember Delila leaving my room until I’m sitting still on my bed with the cigarette now burning through the butt.

I drop it into the glass and pick up my phone, scrolling through my contact list until I find Hope.

I press dial.

If Delila can’t give me anything else, I know Hope will.

After three failed attempts of trying to reach her, I make my way into the bathroom and start getting ready for tonight.

“Sass!” Perse hooks her arm in mine as she leads me down the dirt path through the large shrubs of the forest. “You’re late.”

“I am?” I ask, surprised. “I thought we didn’t have to be here until midnight!”

Perse looks around us until she suddenly stops, her hands coming to my face. “I have to talk to you later. After we’ve been initiated. Okay? Don’t go far.”

“Why not just tell me now?” I whisper-yell.

Perse shakes her head. “I can’t. Too many…” She waves her hands in the air and I look around us.

“We’re in the middle of a path. No one is here. They’re all there.” I point to the end of the tunnel where branches split open and I see flames dancing through the dark sky. People are laughing, music playing, people chatting.

She takes my hand. “You’ve got a lot to learn.”

I could’ve said the same about her. Shouldn’t it be me who is saying that to her since she’s the one that didn’t remember her childhood for so long.

“You look hot, by the way.” Perse leans into me. “The red bra looks good under the robe.”

On cue, I notice she’s wearing the same, only white. “White?” I ask, cocking an eyebrow.

“Long story,” she mumbles. “Okay, come on. Have you decided where you’re getting your tattoo?”

I shake my head. “No.” Once we reach the end of the path, I grab her hand until she spins around to face me. “Have you seen Killian?” I get that we’re not together, but this is the longest he has gone without either annoying me or fucking me.

Perse winces, the lines around her eyes sharpening. “I—”

“Baby girl.” Kenan pulls me under his arm. “Let’s get this over with so we can get you out of here.”

I search Kenan’s expression, his dark irises peering back at mine. He looks good. With dark eyeliner smudged around his eyes and wearing nothing but his robe over his jeans. “Why?”

“There you are…” King grabs Perse from around the waist, but she digs her heels into the grass.

“No!” Her hands fly out to his chest. Shit. I wonder what King did to deserve her wrath. It’s not like Perse to fly off over anything. “You! You didn’t even say anything!”

King’s face softens when he looks at her but hardens when he comes to me. “Because it’s not my place.”

Perse storms off, heading straight for Keaton who is sitting on one of the many stone seats that surround one massive bonfire.

King stares at me blankly before turning around to chase her.

“What was that about?” I ask Kenan. King has never been outwardly cold toward me before.

He sighs. “I’ll come out and tell you right now. Callan and Killian were together all day today. I’m guessing that’s what Perse is pissed about.”

I swallow the goblet of fire that threatens to set fire to every single organ in my body. “We’re not together. I don’t know why everyone tiptoes around us.”

Kenan directs me toward the small Tiki theme bar behind the fire. “Maybe because the way he looks at you makes people think that you are.” My throat tightens again as Kenan orders us a couple of drinks. “The man is feral with you.”

The barman is easy to pick out. His chest is bare, his abs on display. He tenses as his eyes meet mine.

“Thanks.” I take the drink from him and ignore the zap that passes as our fingers touch. When we’re walking away, I crank my head over my shoulder to have one last look at him. His eyes are bright blue, his facial structure in perfect symmetrical balance. His blonde hair is floppy and rugged, and the eyeliner beneath his eyes only adds to his obvious good looks. His face remains passive.

“Did you hear me?” Kenan asks, snapping me out of the trance.