“So what do you think?” Jessica mutters off, as I toss all the chopped onions and garlic into the pot to sauté.

“About what?” Pouring a glass of wine with one hand as my other is stirring the pot, I’m well within my element. Life is good, now all I’m missing is some good music. Just as I think it, Jessica hits play on Halsey “Bad at Love” and the speakers that are spread around the whole condo begin to play the song softly.

“About Jimmy!”

I crank my head over my shoulder to see what she’s talking about, coming face to face with Jimmy. AKA some guy’s Instagram account that is staring right at me. Well, more like his abs are staring right at me.

I go back to my cooking, throwing in the mince. “Are you asking me if I think he’s hot? Because that’s all I can go on right now, considering I’ve never actually met him.”

“You think he’s hot?” she asks again, and I turn my head over my shoulder to take another look, just to make her feel better, I don’t actually need another look. He’s not my type—period. The steroid enhanced arms, douchebag haircut and, not to mention, he takes selfies. Fucking selfies. Nope. Not allowed. Computer says fuck no. But I turn around to take another look for her sake.

“Mmmmm…” I pretend to ponder over her question.

“Be very careful with your next wording, wife, unless you want your ass beat.”

My mouth snaps closed. “Aw, honey, you’re home.” I over exaggerate my smile at him as I stir the pot. Quite literally as well.

“Oh come on, B. I just want to know her answer.”

His arm wraps around my waist and he yanks my body into him closer until I feel his cock press against my back. He leans down and licks my shoulder before biting on my earlobe and whispering, “You so much as acknowledge that piece of shit, I’ll kill him, and then my sister, and then fuck you so hard that you’d wish I’d killed you too. You know, just to prove a point.” He lets my speechless ass go and pops a grape into his mouth with a cheeky wink of an eye. “Yeah, honey, I’m home.” Then he walks out, ripping off his tie and tossing it across the room.

This man.

For the love of all things that are unholy.

“Ohh,” Jessica laughs while shaking her head and pouring more wine. “Homegirl, he owns you.”

“Why,” I moan, tilting the flute to my lips, “why am I attending, yet another charity event.”

Jessica giggles, and then wiggles her eyebrows at me suggestively. “Maybe because of your choice of husband.”

“True.” Damnit. I didn’t want to come to this event, but Bryant being Bryant, he was adamant on us making more appearances as a couple. Who would have guessed, but it turns out the united front means a lot to Bryant. I guess that’s not too hard to believe though when you look at his mother and father.

My eyes automatically search for Bryant in the sea of overly priced frocks and hair extensions. After our dinner a couple nights ago, with Jessica in attendance, we’ve again, grown closer. I feel like the more time we spend together the more I want to be around him.

My eyes land on him talking to a woman with platinum blonde hair that’s whisked up in a fancy high bun, a long red dress wrapping around her curves and those curves are of course to die for, and then she turns to face me with a smirk on her red lips before she leans into Bryant and whispers something into his ear.

Sipping my wine, I go to stand when Jessica’s hand grabs my arm. “She’s just history.”

I look at Jessica’s eyes seeing the sincerity in them before looking back to Bryant and the red witch. I glance back to Jessica. “Okay.” Then I take a seat. I can’t be mad at him. It’s not like I’m the Virgin Mary. My knee jiggles under the table and I grab the champagne that’s sitting in the middle, pouring another glass.

“Actually,” I add, drinking the entire contents at once. “I’m feeling kind of tired. Can you let Bryant know I’ll see him at home?”

Jessica seems to search over my face, trying to read my expression. She exhales. “Fine. Do you want me to come with you?”

I shake my head, placing my hand on hers and giving it a slight squeeze. “No. It’s okay.” Then I turn to walk out of the lobby and out the front sliding doors. I have to learn to trust Bryant. I can’t act like a jealous wife, it will only embarrass him and give her too much satisfaction to know that she irks me. So I take myself home. Before I accidentally punch someone. That someone being the Red Witch.