“No tapping out, baby girl. You’re my toy now.”

“Oh, you knew exactly what you were doing…” Bryant murmurs, stepping forward. “You were that little slut looking for dick…” he pauses, a smirk on his mouth. “But you almost got the whole gang.” He pauses, coming up to me again until his chest brushes against mine. “We were kids then, so I can understand your slut chapter. What I want from you, though, it isn’t revenge. I do want it eventually, but I’m a businessman first.”

“Which means?” I snide at him, my lip curled.

“Which means, I need you as my wife.”

“Why!” I lean back onto the bed. “Why, aside from who my father is, would you need me to be your wife?” I pause, looking around the room. “You have everything,” I whisper, more to myself. “Money, fame, power…what could I possibly give someone who has it all?”

His laugh breaks through the eerie silence. “Revenge in the sweetest way possible. I’ll make your life a living hell while gaining the benefits of marrying the president’s daughter.”

“What benefits?” I knew his plan was to make my life a living hell. Why not. I killed his fucking brother.

Yet again, he steps closer toward me and then leans down to cage me in with his arms. “I need you to bleed for me every fucking night. You game for that?” He cocks his head. “Of course you are because you don’t get a fucking choice.” His hand comes to the back of my head as he clutches my hair into his fist, yanking my head back until his eyes are looking deep into mine. “Now get the fuck out of this room, take a hard right turn until you get to the stairs, walk up those stairs…” he halts, his lips brushing over mine until I feel his smirk press against my lips. “Strip, and get on your fucking knees.”

His voice and glare activates my deep, dark addiction. Looking up at him, I suck my bottom lip into my mouth. “Okay…” I gasp softly, entranced in the spell his eyes have put me under and the feelings, those feelings, the crave to be desired and wanted, it all comes crashing back into me.

“Yes, what?” He licks his lips devilishly.

I grit my teeth, my stubborn nature fighting to come through. “Yes, sir.”

He unlatches from my throat and points to the door. “Do as you’re told.”

I make a beeline for the door, pausing for a split second to glance over my shoulder at him. “I’m sorry, Bryant. For what it’s worth...”

“It isn’t worth much more than your pussy, so get the fuck up there and be waiting for me on your knees.”


Super fucking asshole.

I turn back toward the hallway, slamming the door closed behind myself as thoughts hammer through my brain with every step I take. I head up the dark gloomy hallway with memories, regrets, and sadness latching to me.

I don’t really regret what happened that night, and I think that makes me a bad person. Well, at least half of a bad person. I just wish that it had turned out differently for him, for all of us. I wish I didn’t have blood on my hands – but I do. Now I have to live with it for the rest of my life. Though I thought I had suppressed most of the guilt I had through hours and hours of therapy, it obviously doesn’t take much to set them off again.

Walking up the stairs, I take the first right turn like Bryant instructed, coming face-to-face with a sleek black door. Running my fingers over the smooth marbling, I close my eyes and let out a heavy breath. But no matter what I try to do, all the memories have started flooding my brain again. Memories that were buried under all the hurt and regret I had spent years upon years building on—slowly crumble inside of my brain.

He pulled out a knife from his back pocket and ran the blunt side up my leg.

“What?” I asked, as his thumb pressed against my clit again. I’m confused at what he’s doing, or asking, if he even asked something. Did he ask something?

“Shhhh,” long-haired guy murmured while continuing to drag the knife up to my pussy. “Actually, fight it.” He grinned, pressing his lips to my ear. “That’s how I like it.”

I swallowed, my mouth dry and coarse from my sudden come down off the drugs.

“I don’t want to anymore.” My head shook from side to side, just as the cool metal continued to press against the inside of my thigh, only this time, a sharp sting erupted from my inner leg. I scream so loud I almost deafen myself while flinching away from him. I felt the wetness trickle down my inner thigh but slammed my eyes closed, attempting to cut them out. Cut them all out and this whole night. It’s not happening. It’s not that bad. You’re just having a bad trip, Isa.