“Wait!” Brooke grabbed my arm, tugging me backward. “Are you sure you’re up for this? I mean… I am, but they seem…” she cast a look over my shoulder, her eyes scanning over each of the guys before coming back to mine. “A little intense.”

“Intense is a good thing, remember? Intense means they fuck good!”

Brooke grinned, hooking her arm into mine. “You’re right, and I do like a good thrashing!” Her British accent came in strong as we headed back toward the guys.

I stopped in front of the one with the long hair whose lap I was sitting on, ignoring the other two. He pushed his hair out of his face, displaying his milky white skin and bright blue eyes. “There will be rules upon entering…”

I grinned, running my tongue over my bottom lip. “And what are those?”

“Well, not those, really just one,” he continued, his eyes raking over my body.

“No limits,” a voice behind me growled, a voice I hadn’t yet met. The deep vibrations of it had me turn at its command.

He was beautiful. Too beautiful. His body was built for a soldier.

“Oh?” I took my eyes back to the long-haired guy ignoring the beautiful beast. “That’s fine. No limits…”

We walked inside the luxurious Moroccan tent and I peeked over my shoulder, grinning at the guys who were watching me from the entrance. “Well, come on then…” I teased, winking at them and stepping inside.

Brooke bounced through their bodies, tying her hair up into a ponytail, her blue eyes twinkling with mischief. I turned back around and finally took in the surroundings a little better this time. The four-poster bed that’s sitting in the corner, the red silken sheets blanketing it, just screaming sex club. I headed toward one of the posts and ran the palm of my hand over the varnished wood, my fingertips skimming over the intricate pattern imprinting the wood. Taking in a deep breath, I ignored the sweet tang of rich mahogany and cologne dancing together in a room that was quite obviously built for fucking. Closing my eyes and then opening them, my head tilted and my eyes zoned into a large cage that sat in the opposite corner of the room. Stepping closer, I ran my palms over the cool metal, just as I felt a presence behind me, his breath falling over the nape of my neck. “You wanna play, baby?” I recognized his voice as the guy with the long hair.

Pulling my bottom lip into my mouth, I cranked my head over my shoulder a little while my hand glided down my belly, toward the apex of my thighs. “I’m always ready to play.”

Twisting me around, he wrapped his arm around my waist, instantly bringing my body into his until my forehead smacked against his chin. Laughing slightly, I peeked over his shoulder to see Brooke already on her knees, unbuckling one of the other guy’s pants as the new hot mysterious guy from outside sat lazily on a large leather seat with a bottle of whiskey dangling between his fingers. He loosened his tie, his dark brooding eyes locking onto mine briefly. My brain fuzzed, my sight started coming in and out of focus from whatever drugs we had taken earlier. Fucking smart idea that was… again, Brooke’s idea of partying is so much different than mine.

“Make her bleed,” the new guy on the sofa growled. I decided to call him Wolf. He suited that name. His mere size, his commanding glare, his everything, was almost wolf-like. Calculating. Deathly. Just him being in the room made the temperature both drop and rise all at once. His lip curling up in disgust as his eyes assaulted my body snaps me back to reality. “Make her bleed and then fuck her.”

I swallowed, the challenge both terrifying me and exciting me all at once. Looking back up to long-haired guy’s eyes, I tilted my head in question, a slight smile on my lips.

Leaning down, he murmured against my cheek, “Orders are orders, Isa…”

“Wait… how’d you know my name?” The ground looked as though it had started spinning from under my feet. Fucking drugs. Alcohol? Mix of both? What happened…

“Oh… we know everything about you, baby girl.” Long hair grinned in triumph, then he cast a look over his shoulder toward Wolf, and then that’s when his face changed. His features fell in submission, but he quickly collected himself, clearing his throat. “What? You told us.”

Brooke. Bet it was fucking Brooke. He took my hand and tugged on me roughly until I fell into his soft chest. Wasn’t my ideal lay, but whatever, I can make it work— His hand instantly came to my throat, gripping it roughly until all air had been robbed.

“Get on the bed.” I began stepping backward until the end of the bed collided with the back of my legs. He shoved my chest so hard my back hit the mattress in a heap and my hair sprawled out from underneath me. Crawling up my body, he gripped my blouse and yanked at it until all the buttons flew off.