I don’t say anything, remaining silent to hear what she has to say. When Scarlet talks, she speaks to be heard but at volumes that don’t need to be yelled.

“Ahhh, the famous FD.” Tillie comes into the kitchen, holding two glasses of champagne. She places one near me and another beside Scarlet.

“FD?” I ask.

Scarlet picks up her flute, taking a small sip of the bubbles, and then goes back to work on my makeup. “Full Disclosure. You will decide if you want to know everything, or if you want to know nothing, but let me just say that the ones who want to know nothing don’t last long.”

“Well.” I blow out a breath as she works on my lips. “Brantley and I probably won’t reach that point.”

Tillie laughs, Scarlet doesn’t. “Why do you say that?” she asks.

“I know Brantley. He would rather push me away than have me near. He doesn’t—”

“—he doesn’t think he deserves you,” Tillie adds as a maid wraps a mustered yellow dress around her waist. On other people, the color would be not so pleasant, but on Tillie, she looks perfect. That’s because Tillie’s body does most of the work.

“That and he would rather just keep me at arm’s length.”

“Sorry to break it to you, little sis, but arm’s length is not on top of that beautifully pierced dick.”

Scarlet pauses, her hand hovering in front of my face. “I’ve known him since he was a baby. I’d rather not have an image of his cock in my brain, Tillie.”

Tillie shrugs, smirking.

I ignore her, and Scarlet continues with the makeup. I wish I could say I was busy thinking about tonight, but I’m too caught up in the disclosure talk. What would I choose, if I had the chance? I already know; I’d want to know everything.

Once my face is done, my phone vibrates in my pocket as Scarlet packs everything away. She points to me. “You’re wearing something different. That hasn’t happened before.”

I reach up to touch my face, but she shakes her head.

Tillie comes in front of me. “What about Stuprum?”

Scarlet rolls her eyes. “Hayes trumps Stuprum.”

Tillie pouts. “So she gets half-Hayes and half-Vitiosis? Something tells me Bran Bran is going to be pissed about that.”

Scarlet snickers cheekily. “I’ll meet you both outside in an hour. We will ride together with Elena and Tate.”

“I’m sorry—what?” Tillie snaps, yelling at Scarlet who is now walking up the stairs.

“Be nice, Tillie! Time to get over it.”

Tillie huffs, dropping down in a chair. “I still don’t like her.”

“Why?” I say, finally sipping on my champagne. “What happened?”

Tillie goes off on filling me in on everything that happened between her and Tate.

“But you’re both with different people now.”

“I know, but you didn’t see how she was. I wanted to hit her. I would have hit her if she wasn’t Madison’s BFF.” She stands from her chair and picks up her phone.

“I agree with Scarlet. You need to let it go.”

“Would you?” she says, her brow quirked. “If it was Brantley?”

“Well,” I say, opening the fridge to find the bottle of Moët. I start pouring more champagne into my glass. “I’m still talking to you, aren’t I?” Her mouth closes. “And anyway, I don’t think I’d ever have to worry about that.”

“No, you’re right. You won’t because Brantley has control, taste, and standards.”

“Nate has standards and taste,” I defend, tilting my head back to sip more on the happy juice. “He likes to have sex, so what? That’s his past. You need to let it go.”

She sighs.

I glare at her. “Promise to play nice.”

“Can’t, but I’ll try.”

“I’ll settle for that.” I move around the kitchen counter just as she brings her phone up and flips it to selfie mode.

“Smile!” We take a series of photos before we make our way out the front door, just as another city car pulls up. Tate and Elena climb out, dressed in a similar style to us. Tate has naturally blonde hair, blue eyes, and a small frame. She’s the girl next door kind of pretty. I could see how she and Madison could have been close. Yin and yang, or maybe yang and yang. I haven’t quite figured that out. I wonder if my curse will intensify soon and I’ll be able to have all those kinds of special talents. Or, has it already?

She’s not wearing any skull on her face, just professional makeup with winged eyeliner that could make Bailey Sarian jealous.

“Hi, girls.” Elena bunches up her red gown in the palm of her hand. I get the feeling everyone is talking to Madison except Bishop, because if Elena wasn’t, I doubt she’d be donning such an aura of ease.

That sort of makes me angry, but I swallow it down with yet another gulp of champagne. I can’t get involved any more in the logistics of what happens between Madison and Bishop. I’ve done what I can, and that has to be enough.