“Everything okay?” Tillie asks from the back. I’m done with lying to her about fucking everything, so I turn in my seat and look her square in the eyes.

“Madison has run.”

Tillie blinks a few times, and then she sighs. “Can everyone meet at Brantley’s? I have something to tell you all.”

My eyebrows shoot up. “Yeah.”

Not only did it not send her over the edge into a spiral, but she knows something that we don’t?

Brantley throws me a side eye, and then we’re boosting forward and out of the cemetery. I press my fingers to my lips and throw up deuces in the direction on the Malum plot where my baby girl lays. Brantley rips up the back tires and takes us out onto the main road. One day we will come back here together to see Micaela. But just not right now.


I take a seat on one of the chairs that surround the main dining room of Brantley’s house. I watch as all The Kings fall to their chairs, Bishop at the head of the table, me at his right and Brantley at his left. The whole drive back here, my mind has been racing about what Tillie might want to say. I spread my legs wide and lean to the side, my finger running over my upper lip. I watch her closely as she paces back and forth like a caged lion. Left, to right, to left, back to right. Once we’re all seated, she exhales.

“I have something to tell you all and Bishop, please understand why I couldn’t say something earlier.”

I feel my brows crease as I pin her with a glare. Her eyes meet mine, glassing over in what I can only explain as apologetically.

I look to my lap.

She tilts her head in question.

My lip kicks up in a smirk as I nod to my lap again.

She gets it, and like a good little girl, she slowly makes her way around the table. Don’t get it twisted, Tillie is not obedient by any means, but I know when she needs me, and right now, she needs me. I push my seat back with my legs, the sound of the stilts scraping against the hardwood floor squeaking through the tension. She sinks into my lap, resting on top of my cock. I fight a groan, my fist coming to my mouth. Brantley kicks my leg from opposite me and I wink at him, blowing a kiss.

“As you were saying, Princessa,” Bishop murmurs, pouring another glass of whiskey and sliding it over to her. She takes it, her hair dropping low as she shoots it back. My eyes cross as I fight thoughts of wrapping her long strands around my fist and bending her over this table, fucking her little cun—

“Madison was raped,” Tillie whispers from on top of me.

I freeze, now fighting the urge to do some jerk notion like pushing her off my lap and raging.

“What!” Bishop snaps, pushing the chair back and glaring at Tillie.

Tillie stands up from my lap, but my arm wraps around her waist, holding her to her spot. Her ass in my happy place is the only thing that’s stopping me from losing my shit at her right now.

“Chill, I’m just grabbing the scotch…” she whispers.

I release a little as she leans over and grabs it before taking her spot back on my lap.

Where the fuck she belongs. This queen doesn’t need a throne, she just needs my dick to sit on.

She unscrews the cap and flicks it off. “Yeah.” She shoots back another shot. “That guy I accidentally killed?” Accidentally. “Well, he’s the one who did it, and before any of you ask me a thousand questions, please understand that I don’t give a fuck what any of you say. Madison is my best friend. I would keep her secrets for lifetimes over if I have to, and before you say anything else—” Everyone shuts their mouths like they do when Tillie speaks. “You all live in glass houses if you hold the fact that I kept her secret above my head, considering you all bathe in the shit.”

I bite on my cheeks, attempting to hold in my laugh. My eyes find Brantley and he’s the same, barely hiding his smile behind his hand because aside from Tillie finally using her status to speak, my sister got raped. I need retribution, and Bishop, well—I look up at him and watch as he flops backward, his back hitting the wall. I’ve never seen Bishop like this, in all the years I’ve known him. His face is pale, like all the blood in his system has drained and poured itself into the wrath sector. He slowly slides down the wall, dropping to the floor. Fuck.

I rub my girl’s leg and then tap her, leaning into her ear. “Hop up, baby.”