“I can’t believe you slept with Nate, Tillie.” Tatum shakes her head and then dunks under the water, pushing her hair out of her face. “But seriously… how good is he?”

“Stop. Gross.” I shake my head, stepping into the lake. There are rocks that surround it, so I take a step on the first one, tying my hair up into a messy ponytail. “I don’t want to know about Nate and his….” I pause.

“Huge cock?” Tatum winks at me.

“Really?” I scold her. “You just had to say that?”

“Yes, really, and I’m flattered. I really am.” Nate smirks, walking toward the mouth of the lake, with Bishop, Cash, Abel, Chase, Hunter and Eli following behind him.

The Kings are all here.

My frown deepens, but I turn back toward the water and dive in until I’m under the bitter glacial water. Swimming to the top, I surface and swipe my hair out of my face with a smirk of my own. The sound of birds tweeting and crickets chirping hum through the blistering silence, and it feels natural, perfect. Doggy paddling under the water to keep my body afloat, I dunk my mouth under and examine the Kings. They’re all in board shorts, shirtless, blessing us all with their—what I have no doubt they call—masterpieces for bodies. Nate starts talking to Tillie, much to her dismay, and Tatum looks to be taunting Hunter and Abel, as the rest of the boys take a seat on a couple of rocks overlooking the vast area of the lake.

Still doggy paddling to keep above the water, Bishop starts walking in, headed for me. Each saunter he makes toward me, the waters separate for him, much like the human race whenever Bishop is around. He gets closer and then dives under, every muscle in his body rippling as he plunges in. He disappears. Seconds pass, and he still hasn’t resurfaced. I look around, left to right, and then finally come back to where everyone is on the shoreline, all talking like they were.

Where the fu—

Arms latch around my ankles, and I scream out loudly before the glacial waters suck me under again. My hands swing out as I attempt to pull myself to the surface, but Bishop’s arm locks around my waist tightly, pulling me closer to him until my body is flush against his and we’re both entrapped by the water. He grabs me at the back of my neck and pulls my lips to his, his tongue slipping inside my mouth. He grabs one of my boobs, pushing my bikini down and squeezing my nipple. Deciding to take his lack of grip on me as a chance to break free, I push off his chest and struggle to the surface, sucking in a large gulp of air and swiping my hair off my face. Bishop comes up a second after me, a smirk on his mouth and water trickling over his perfect face.

I splash him. “Dick move!”

He grins, swimming up to me. “I never said I wasn’t a dick, kitty.” He wraps one of his arms around the back of my waist and pulls me into him. I search his eyes for something, and I don’t even know what. He glares back at me, burning enough to set my body on fire despite the fact I’m in a freezing fucking cold lake.

“What?” he asks, and I keep my hand on his chest, trying to ignore how his cock presses against my stomach every few seconds as he bobs in the water.

“We’re supposed to be a secret, remember?” I tilt my head. “You’re not being very secretive.”

He shrugs and licks the lake water off his plump lips. “I didn’t get to where I am by giving a fuck what people think.”

“And where is that?” I ask, sinking closer into his embrace. I’m well aware of how this would look to our friends on the shore, but I’m so entranced by Bishop that I no longer care. Black Veil Brides’ “Knives and Pens” plays from Tillie’s Beats sound-dock in the distance just as Bishop grins.

“God status.”

I roll my eyes, swimming to the edge of one of the big rocks that are placed around the edge of the lake, pushing myself up and taking a seat on one that’s tucked away slightly. Bishop follows, coming to me and climbing up. I try to ignore the way his tan skin glistens in the afternoon sun and how his muscles contract with every single movement. I notice the scripted tattoo over his ribcage and nudge my head as he takes a seat beside me. “What’s the tattoo say?”

He leans over, lifting his arm to look at it, and then leans back on his elbows, shaking the water out of his hair. “There are humans, and there are wolves, and then there is me…” He inches up to me, his lips gliding over the thin flesh of my neck. “A fucking god.”