Nate looks over his shoulder and gives the other boys a look before staring back at me. He steps aside, giving Bishop even more reign over my body. Slowly, Bishop’s hips sink into me again and my throat contracts. I narrow my eyes on him.

He smirks, before groaning, “What?” innocently.

“You know what, and for the record, that is not happening again.”

Nate laughs behind him. “We all know that’s bullshit.”

Bishop smirks at me again. “Unconvinced.”

“I know nothing. Now let me go before my friends come find me.”

“I don’t buy that you don’t know anything about us, kitty. In fact, I’d be willing to bet on it.” He pushes into me again and my stupid core contracts.

Are you kidding me? He runs his nose down my jaw, but I fight it. I look directly at Nate. “This what you wanted?” I question him, my eyebrow quirked. “To see how hard Bishop can fuck me? Maybe learn a thing or two for the next time you’re mouth-fucking me on the couch?”

Bishop stills. Every muscle in his body turns rigid against mine before he loosens. I don’t know if he knows I caught that, or if he even cares that I know.

Nate comes to the side of me, running his finger down the side of my cheek. I shove away from him. “Naw, sis, don’t act like you didn’t mouth-fuck me back. In fact, if I remember correctly, it was your hot little tongue that slipped into my mouth first.”

Bishop comes up from my neck, his hand coming to my cheeks, where he squeezes roughly. “Answer the fucking questions, kitty, before I fuck you right here and now. And trust me, what you experienced the first time was gentle up against how deep I’d fuck you right now.”

“Bro? What if she’s telling the fucking truth?” someone behind Nate asks, stepping toward us. When he gets closer, I see it’s Cash. “I mean, it’s possible that she—”

“Shut the fuck up, and no it’s not. And no we can’t take chances. And no I won’t fucking take her word for it,” Bishop snaps, looking over his shoulder. “Get back to where the fuck you came from and don’t interrupt again.”

Cash’s jaw tenses. I think I like him a little more than I did before.

“Game time,” Bishop says to me. “Every time I think you’re lying—” He pulls out a Swiss Army blade from his back pocket and flicks it open. “—you lose a piece of clothing.” He tilts his head. “And when you have no clothing left?” He glides the blade down my sternum to my belly button. “Then we’ll have to start getting creative.”

“This is bullshit!” I spit. “I fucking told you that I don’t know anything!” Goose bumps break out over my flesh, and he sees it. Grinning, he grips the knife in his hand and then grabs onto my thigh again. “I’d be real honest if I were you, kitty, ’cause boundaries?” he taunts. “Those are things I don’t have.”

“Fine!” I splutter. “I’ll answer with complete honesty, but then, you will let me go!”

Bishop searches my eyes, his bright, marble wolf ones looking into mine. Why the fuck does the whole skeleton thing do it for me? And why the fuck am I thinking about what does it for me and what doesn’t right now?

“I’ll be the judge of that.” Then he leans forward and nips my lower lip, like he fucking owns it. I growl, the vibration pressing against his chest. “Aw, that’s real cute. The kitty purrs.”

“Fuck you.”

“Can we get to the questions?” Nate says, looking between Bishop and me in disbelief. “Geez, your guys’ hatred used to be hot foreplay, but now I’m seriously thinking I’ll be needing to hide the knives.”

I laugh, tilting my head back, and then look back to Nate. “Oh, you’ll be needing to hide them from me, brother, and I’d be sleeping with one eye open from now on.”

“Hot. Gonna come suck my dick in my sleep?”

“More like bite it off.” I pause and pretend to mull over my thoughts. “Oh, but that would require me actually being able to locate it. Houston, we have a p—”

Bishop slams his hand over my mouth. “Shut the fuck up!”

I nod and he lets go, but I still manage to send a snarl toward Nate.

“Do you know about The Elite Kings?” Bishop shoots off.

“Only what Tatum has told me. Which isn’t much.”

He pauses, waiting for me to continue. “And what is that, exactly?”

My eyes narrow. “It’s literally not much as I can’t even really remember what she said. Honestly? That little race you had, told me more than what Tatum could have.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Nate snaps, his lip curled.

I giggle. Fucking giggle. I could slap myself, but it added to the effect of my sarcasm, so I go with it. “Nate, so you all go do a little underground racing? Big wow, I don’t really care.” My eyes widen at the end of my sentence.