I match his stare. “Big words. All talk, no bite?” What the hell am I doing?

He laughs, the grip he has on my neck tightening, and then he pulls me into his mouth, catching my bottom lip between his teeth. He tugs on it roughly then slips his tongue into my mouth. I open it, angry at everyone. Angry at Nate, because I don’t know if his caring about me is genuine. Angry at Bishop for using me like a toy. Angry at my-fucking-self for thinking Bishop was into me. Just make it go away.

I wrap my hands around the back of Brantley’s neck, and his grip disappears from my throat as he pushes my hands away from his skin, picking me up from behind my thighs and throwing me onto the bed. He crawls up to me slowly, gripping my wrists and slamming them above my head.

“Brantley, Nate and Hunter will come back soon.”

He smirks, his eyes darkening and his waist pinning me to the bed. “Yeah, sort of counting on it. I’m sure we can work out a roster.”

“Not happening.”

“You say it like you’re the one in charge here?” he asks, running his finger down my sternum before coming back up to my throat.

He squeezes again, and my core clenches in response as my eyes roll to the back of my head. “Yeah.”

His mouth drops to the side of my neck, his legs coming between mine, spreading me wide. “You like that shit, huh?” I do. He grinds into me, his hardness pushing against my sex.

Make it go away.

“Interrupting?” A voice breaks our embrace, but Brantley stays there, looking down at me, and then grins.

“Depends,” he says, looking over his shoulder at Bishop, who just walked in the room. “Care to join? Wouldn’t be the first time we’ve shared.”

Bishop stays silent, so I inch up onto my elbows to look at him.

He looks at me and smirks. “Naw, I’m good. I’ve already had her. I don’t feel like shoving my dick in dirt for a second time.”

“Ouch,” I reply deadpan. It hurt more than I care to admit, but being told I was being used has somewhat numbed any pain afterward. I hate Bishop Hayes.

“Yo! Brantley has—” Nate walks into the room, speaking directly to Bishop, when he sees me and Brantley on the bed. He rolls his eyes. “Get off her, dawg.”

“What if I don’t want him to get off?” I snap. If I’m dirt and mean less than nothing to these boys, then what’s the point of walking out with my dignity? “Or what, Nate?” I smirk at him. “Mad it’s not your tongue down my throat?” Then I push off Brantley’s chest, crawling out from under him toward the edge of the bed. “I’m leaving.” I walk toward the door, straightening my tank.

“Oh, come on, sis. We’re just playing.”

“Fine, but find a new toy.” I look to Bishop. “One that doesn’t feel like you’re fucking dirt.” I pull open the bedroom door.

“You fucked her?” Nate barks at Bishop.

Oops, did I let that slip? My bad.

I walk out the front door and then break out in a jog. I know my house is only a five-minute walk, but I don’t feel like talking to anyone right now, and I have a feeling Nate will try to chase me. Bishop, Nate, Hunter, and Brantley have already stirred shit with me. I don’t even want to see what Saint, Ace, and Jase are capable of, what with them being the older brothers. It was all a game. Bishop pretending to give a fuck, they played me like a fucking fiddle.

THE NEXT DAY, I’M SITTING beside Carter in the cafeteria, when Tatum drops her bag beside me. “I fucking can’t wait for Halloween this weekend.”

“I can’t believe we’re doing it in the woods,” I answer, taking a bite out of my apple.

Carter nudges my arm with his. “Leave your guns at home?”

“Maybe.” I look up toward Bishop. “Or maybe not.”

Carter follows my eyes. “Trouble?”

“You could say that,” I mutter, dragging my eyes away from them. Ally walks across to their table, and I roll my eyes. Here we go. Only this time when she goes to lower herself onto Bishop’s lap, he pushes her off, and she falls to the ground in a mess. Nate laughs, Brantley grins, Hunter barks out a hyena howl, and the rest of the boys snicker, watching her with distaste. Every single one of them are assholes. I don’t like Ally, and I might even go as far as to say I hate her a little bit, but that proved there is not one redeeming quality in any of those boys. They’re all assholes. Usually, there’s at least one in a group who isn’t. But not here and not them. I’ve tangled a web with the school bad boys, and now I have to unleash my claws to escape.