“We can talk about this later,” I say to her. That wasn’t a question; it was a promise. I look to Tillie. “What about you?”

She shakes her head. “No.” Then she adds, “Far from it.”

“Oh?” I smile at her. “Like that, huh?”

“Oh, I’m all about women’s sexuality. We have every right to enjoy it just like guys do.”

I hold my fist out to her. “Word!”

We fist-bump, and then Tatum looks at us. “I feel left out. New plan: Get Tatum laid.”

We all laugh, and Tillie swings the door open all the way, letting the bass stream through loudly. There is no one upstairs, which is a relief, but I gather that no one would step up to Nate and the boys by trying to cross them and invading our personal space. No one but me, because fuck them, basically.

We walk down the stairs, laughing and clutching a bottle of champagne each. I’m still not too hot on these heels, but hey, I can blame wine if I fall on my face. Yin Yang Twins’ “Shake” starts playing through the beefy speakers, and Tatum starts dancing and hopping down the stairs, our hair flying around the place. Yup, we are all very much drunk. Dragging us to the living room, where bodies are crushing against each other to the music, we ignore all the staring eyes glued on us as we continue dancing around, blocking everyone out.

I laugh, twisting in Tillie’s grasp. When my eyes land on the boys, who are standing on the other side of the room, I drop down to the floor and grin at them before snaking back up, pressing my butt into Tillie. Not all of them are here, but Nate, Bishop, Brantley, Ace, and Saint are. Ally and Lauren are way past drunk, falling all over the place and rubbing up on each other. A giggle escapes me as my head swings back. They probably think they look sensual. Yeah, if sensual was two drowned raccoons who look like they just got smashed seven ways from Sunday with Charlie Sheen.

Bishop’s eyes slowly lick all over my body, his lip twitching at the corner of his mouth. Psh, yeah right. I look to Nate, who’s already storming up to me, his face red and angry, followed closely by the rest of them.

“Get. Fucking. Changed, Madi. Tonight is not the night to be dressed and acting like this.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” I smirk, turning around and dancing against his chest, my ass pressing into him. Gag. “You’re mistaking me for someone who gives a fuck.”

“Tillie!” Saint snaps at my friend.

“Hey!” I click my fingers in his face, stepping between the two of them and narrowing my eyes. “Leave her alone, bud.”

He grins, finding me amusing. “Step away, kitty. You already know we don’t play fair.”

“Oh,” I say, matching his fight, “neither do I. You boys just caught me off guard that night.”

I look to all of them. “Now, if you don’t mind, you’re kind of cock blocking us.” Then I take the girls’ hands and walk them outside to where the music is pouring out, and the moon is shining over the bright fairy lights, the colored neons inside the pool, and all the half-naked drunk teens walking around.

I tip my head back, swallowing more wine. “That was fucking awesome.”

A young guy is tilted over one of the lawn chairs, his bottle of tequila hanging between his fingers loosely. Tillie walks up to him, snatching the bottle quickly, and then comes back to us. “Time to really get shit started.”

We drink, dance, and rub against each other until sweat is beading on our skin and the smile lines are permanently imprinted on our faces.

We’re dancing to “Dangerous” by Akon when my eyes land on Carter. He’s walking through the opening doors that lead out to where we are beside the pool. He’s with three or four friends, all wearing their varsity jackets. Damn. I lick my lips. He’s looking a little more delicious than he usually does. Wine. Oh no, Tequila. He’s searching for someone in the crowd, and when his eyes land on me, a smile lights up his face, and probably the rest of outside, because he is just that damn beautiful right now. After being surrounded by asshole moody guys for the past couple of nights, I need this. I need to see a friendly face. Someone who makes me feel good. I wave. Oh God, I just waved.

“Did you just fucking wave?” Tatum hisses from beside me.

“Shut up.” I keep the smile on my face as he walks toward us, drinking in what I’m wearing.

“Well, damn.” He pulls me into his chest, where I instantly melt against him.

I look up at him and smile. “Nice to see you. I’m a bit drunk. Not enough to look like that.” I wave over to Ally and Lauren. Ha ha. “Albeit, still drunk.”