Walking back down to the kitchen, I see Tatum is already sitting on the barstool, digging into her breakfast.

“Good to know you make yourself at home.” I laugh, going to where she placed my plate.

“Well, you know. All this food and no one eats it? It’s criminal.”

I snort, picking up half of a bagel. “My dad will be home this Monday.”

“Mmm,” Tatum says, licking mayonnaise off her finger. “Your house feels as empty as mine. No offense.”

“None taken, and it never used to be like this.” I bite into the greasy breakfast. “Anyway,” I mutter, swallowing my food and taking a swig of juice. “I wouldn’t have pegged you as someone who eats this sort of food.”

“I never used to,” she says shyly. I don’t want to pursue what she meant by that, so I just concentrate on eating the rest of my food. After eating, we empty our plates and walk out the house, the direct morning sun hitting both of us. I pull down my glasses as she beeps her car. “Guess it’s school time! Oh, hey, about tonight’s party, are you going to text Tillie to give her the deets?”

“Shit!” I gasp, remembering that I had left my phone in my dad’s Caddy, which was still not home. I’d have to talk to Nate about that when, or if, I see him. “Erm,” I answer, noticing Tatum watching me as she slides up her scissor door. “Yeah, I’ll text her later today about it.” I want to ask her more questions about The Elite Kings Club too, but I’m afraid my newfound interest in the group would make Tatum suspicious.

We pull up to school not long after that. Tatum directs us into the private student parking, and we get out, walking toward the elevators that take us to the main lobby of the school. We’re late—no surprise there. Running down the hallway, I push open the door to English, and the professor looks up at me, startled from his scribbling on the chalkboard. “So nice of you to join us, Montgomery. Take a seat, and don’t make a pattern out of this.” I nod, mouthing an apology, and then look toward the only free space there is left beside Ally. She stares at me with a snarl, and I drop my books on my desk, sinking into my chair in an attempt to focus on my schoolwork.

“Madison!” a voice yells out from behind me, as I walk toward the buffet, picking up a tray.

Carter smiles, taking a tray and falling into step beside me. “So, ah, I didn’t know you were Nate’s new stepsister.”

“Oh no.” I roll me eyes, picking up an apple. “Don’t tell me you hang with them?”

He flashes me a boyish grin, and I take this brief minute to scan over his body. Strong, athletic, you can see he spends his extra time playing football. His floppy blond hair hangs short over his forehead, and his baby blues sparkle with a gleam. “Well, no… we roll in different circles.”

I take a bite out of my apple and point to his varsity jacket. “I see that.” I didn’t mean that in an offensive way, just… Nate and those boys dress with swagger. Their bodies are built like athletes, but I’d bet my last dollar that none of them would be throwing balls.

“So you’ll be at his party tonight, then?” he asks, as we reach the end of the line.

I spin around and face him. “Yup. Are you going to be there?” I ask as we head back to our tables.

He flashes me another boyish grin. “I think I’ve found my reason to be there.” Then he winks at me and saunters back to his table.

I’m still grinning from ear to ear and laughing under my breath when my eyes fall on a scowling Bishop. My smile instantly drops, and then Nate is pushing through people, heading straight toward me. “What was that about?”

“What?” I shove past him, my mood instantly changing. “Nothing.”

“Bullshit, Madi.” I ignore him and go to step toward my table, when his hand catches my arm, halting any movement. “Stay away from him.”

I shove out of his grip. “I should be staying away from you,” I hiss. “And by the way, where is my phone and my SUV?”

“Caddy is at home, and here’s your phone.” He tosses my cell toward me, and I catch it quickly before taking a seat on my chair.

“What the hell is that about?” Tatum mutters under her breath.

Nate comes next to me in a flash. “Come sit with us.”

“No.” I pick up my sandwich, unfazed by his presence, but fazed by all the attention he’s bringing to me.

“Fine.” He scowls at me, and then looks up to the rest of his hounds, letting out a loud whistle and then nudging his head.