
“Not a decision you need to make.”

“Okay.” He sighs but appears to still be struggling.

“Rocco?” He looks up, and I push the blanket down to my waist. I grab both of my tits and hold them up. “You want these? Because you’re only getting them if you take off that underwear and get in here with me.”

Rocco’s briefs disappear quickly, and I laugh as he jumps into the bed with me. I pull the blanket up around us both as Rocco snuggles against my chest.

“All better now?” I ask.


I can feel his smile against my skin. I run my hand over his head, pushing his hair off his face and behind his ear. He sighs again, then tenses.

“Do you...did you want...?” Rocco stammers, but I know what he means.

“Not now,” I tell him. “As much as I might like to have some vanilla sex in a bed, I am completely exhausted, and I bet you are, too. So go to sleep now.”


Rocco relaxes again, and I lean back against the pillow, eyes closed. It doesn’t take long for my fuzzy head to send me straight to sleep.

I wake up a few hours later. Rocco has rolled onto his back, his arm around my shoulders, as my head rests on his chest. I blink a couple of times and look around for a clock, but I don’t see one. My phone is still in my backpack, so I have no idea what time it is. I still need more sleep, but I look up at Rocco instead.

Rocco’s brow is creased and his mouth drawn down as he sleeps. His eyes move rapidly behind his eyelids, and I wonder what it is about his dream that has him so concerned. Slowly, I reach my hand up and push some strands of hair off his forehead. He tenses, and I softly stroke the side of his face until his expression softens.

He takes a deep breath, and his grip around me tightens a little before he relaxes again. I smile, not knowing for sure if I helped him through his troubled dream or not but hoping I have.

I glance down. Though I can’t see Rocco’s cock without lifting up the blanket, I can still imagine it. I’m extremely tempted to just jump him right now, but I hadn’t asked him about it before he went to sleep. I make a mental note to inquire about his feelings on wake-up sex later. Tired or not, the heat from his body up against mine has me throbbing, but I’m going to have to ignore it for now.

I snuggle up against him, pressing my body down the length of his. With my head against his shoulder, I close my eyes and drift off once more.

When I wake again, Rocco’s not in the bed. I yawn, rub my eyes, and look around the room only to find him on the floor, still naked, and curled up in a ball.

“Rocco? You okay?”


“What is it?” I push the blankets off of me and climb out of bed. I sit on the floor next to him and take his hand in mine. “Tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.”

“I...I didn’t know what I was supposed to do.”

“Do about what?”

“I’ve never...I wasn’t sure...”

“Deep breath, Roc.”

Rocco nods, breathes deeply a few times, and then manages to speak.

“I woke up, and I’ve never had someone else in my bed before, and I thought I should do something. I thought I’d make coffee, but I don’t know if you like coffee or not or if you’d want cream or sugar, and I don’t have any sugar. I thought I’d go to the dining hall and get donuts to go with coffee, but I don’t know what kind of donuts you like. Maybe you don’t eat donuts at all. And then I thought I could get pancakes and sausages, but maybe you’re a vegetarian, and I remember Ivan once saying pancakes were just flat donuts, and...and...”

“Rocco, slow down!” I laugh and give him a hug. I hold on to him until he wraps his arms around me, too, and then pull back just enough to look at his face. “First of all, you didn’t need to do anything because I didn’t give you any instructions. Second, the next time this happens—and there will be a next time—you can make me black coffee and get me a glazed donut with chocolate frosting. Okay?”

“Black coffee, glazed with chocolate—okay, got it.”

“And you only have to do something like that if I tell you beforehand.”