“Seriously, Roc, I’m really happy for you, and we should celebrate sometime soon.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I say, glancing back at my feet.

“Here they come,” Cree mumbles under his breath.

I look up to see Casey and Kas walking out of the bathroom. Casey walks straight up to me and grabs my hand, and Cree looks Kas up and down as if he’s looking for injuries.

“You okay, babe?” Cree asks as he pulls Kas close to him.

“I’m fine,” Kas says with a smile. “We’re all good. Next weekend, we’re going to dinner.”

“We are?” Cree raises an eyebrow.

“Well, Casey and I are. You’re both invited, too.”

“Really?” Cree gives Casey an incredulous look.

“I figured if Roc and I are together, I need to get to know his best friend a little better. I owe both of you an explanation, and I’m hoping that will help clear things up and help you understand why I’m such a complete bitch sometimes.”

“You weren’t a b—” Kas starts to say, but Casey interrupts.

“I was a bitch. A complete one, like I said.”

Kas holds her hands up in surrender.

“Next Friday,” Casey says. “It will be a good way to kick off the weekend after midterms. And we need to celebrate.”

“Yeah, we do,” Cree says as he waggles his eyebrows at me.

“Did you tell him?” Casey asks, turning to me.

/> “Tell him? Uh...” I look from Casey to Cree, wondering if we’re really going to have a celebration about my getting laid and hoping we’re not.

“About declaring a major?”

“Oh...that.” I let out a breath.

“You declared a major?” Cree is clearly shocked.

“No...I mean, I’m going to. English. We’re going to talk to the dean on Monday.”

“Wow! Dude, that’s awesome!”

“I haven’t managed it yet,” I say, ducking my head sheepishly.

“But you will,” Casey says gently as she places her finger under my chin and tilts my head back up. “I’m going to help, but you’re the one who’s going to do it. I know you can, and I’ll be there for every step.”

“Friday night it is, then!” Cree smiles and wraps his arm around Kas’s shoulders.

“It’s a double date!” Kas says with a wide grin.

Casey rolls her eyes, grabs my hand, and starts heading toward the stairs.

“We’ll see you next week!” she calls out over her shoulder, then mutters under her breath. “I hope you know that was truly painful.”

“What was?”
