Instead, I lean my head enough to kiss the top of his. I wrap my free arm around him, running it over his shoulder and down to his elbow.

“How are you feeling?” I ask once his silence has gone on long enough.

“Um...pretty good?”

“Is that a question?”

He laughs through his nose.

“No,” he says softly as he looks at me. “I feel really good.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I guess that means you enjoyed your first time?”

“Yes.” Rocco’s face turns a little red as he looks away.

I reach over and grab his chin, turning him back.

“Not much reason for you to feel embarrassed,” I say with a smile. “You’ve had your dick in me. After that level of contact, blushing isn’t really necessary.”

My words just make his face darken more, and it’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. I lean over and press my lips to his, enjoying the way he just gives in to my touch.

I have to admit, I feel absolutely giddy, and I know it’s not just a post-coital reaction. Rocco is completely relaxed against me without any sign of anxiety over his performance or nervousness about laying his head on my boobs.

The latter he’s definitely enjoying. I have the feeling that boob pillows were going to become the very best reward system for my Rocco. And that means maybe—just maybe—he’s starting to trust me, and trust is the most important thing I can ask for from him.

“You had a good time too, right?” Rocco asks.

“Yes, Rocco. I came like a freaking elephant in heat.”

Rocco furrows his brow.

“I’m joking. I mean, about the elephant, not the orgasm.”

“I’m not sure elephants really, um...I’m not sure they...”

“I don’t really want to know.”

Rocco nods, and I shake my head, laughing quietly.

“So, I don’t want to make any assumptions,” I say, “but I’m really hoping we can do this again sometime.”


“Well, I’ve been known to be a bit demanding.” I shrug. “I just want to be clear about what I want.”

“You mean, you want to come back here again? With me?”

“Yeah, I do.” I think about it for a moment. “Not just here, Roc. I mean, we could do this anywhere. I came here because I know it’s familiar to you, so I figured you’d be more comfortable.”

“We could do this somewhere else?”

“Yeah. Sure.”


“My place.” I run my hand over his hair again. “Your place, too, if you’d rather. Switch it up a little, right?”
