“I...I didn’t...” I stop and take a deep breath. “I didn’t know how good it would feel.”

“Now that’s a good answer!” Casey grips the ropes behind my back, tightening the tension on my shoulders. She smiles and raises an eyebrow, and I realize she’s rewarding me.

“So, you still want to have sex with me?” I ask quietly.

“Yes, Rocco. Eventually.”

“Even though I screwed up?”

“You didn’t screw anything up,” Casey says. “In fact, it was kind of awesome.”

“Awesome?” I scoff. “Now you’re just patronizing me.”

Casey releases the tension on the rope and grabs my chin, forcing me to look at her.

“I made you come just by looking at you, babe,” she says. “Frankly, that makes me feel so damn self-satisfied, I’m not sure I can express it adequately. So, get the idea that I’m somehow displeased about what you’ve done out of your head. I’m not.”

I stare into her face, trying to harness the small amount of knowledge I have about human expressions and what they mean. It’s not a lot of information, but it’s enough to see in her eyes that she means what she’s saying.

“You’re not disappointed?”

“Not at all.” She smiles for a moment before shifting her head forward and placing her lips against mine.

The kiss is unexpected, and for a moment, I don’t know what to do except close my eyes. I focus on the sensation of her lips pressed to mine, slowly relaxing and giving in to it.

Casey doesn’t rush, press hard against me, or open her mouth. This feeling of her lips touching mine is peaceful and remarkably pleasant. After a moment, I find myself pressing back, and I feel her smile slightly as she grips the hair on the back of my head and pulls me away.

“Like that, don’t you?” she says with a sly grin.

I nod.

“I do, too.” She moves in again, pressing her lips a little more firmly to mine as she tightens her grip on my hair.

I respond, letting her take the lead as she kisses me hard. A shiver runs through me as she opens her mouth, and I feel her tongue slide between my lips. She wraps her free arm around me, grabbing the knot at my back and squeezing. The combination of her tongue in my mouth with the bite of the ropes on my shoulders causes my dick to take notice of her again.

Casey breaks away, both of us breathing hard.

“I want to tie you up and fuck the living daylights out of you,” she says, blunt as ever.

“That scares me.”


“Because I don’t know what to do.” I swallow hard, not sure how she’ll take my admission.

Again, Casey takes my chin in her hand, leaving my hair to fall around my shoulders.

“It’s my job to tell you exactly what you are going to do,” she says. “You’ll be at my command. Got it?”

I nod. The idea of following her orders grants me a bit of calm. Doing what I’m told hasn’t been too difficult so far, and though I hadn’t spent a lot of my time thinking about sex in the past, the idea of actually doing that—of having my dick inside of her—has me practically drooling.

But she doesn’t push me down and jump on top of me. Instead, she leans back, pulling my head to her chest again. I take a deep breath, inhaling the scent of her skin. She smells like lavender and something else I can’t quite put my finger on. I tilt my head slightly, and the tip of my nose brushes over her skin.

“You like that, don’t you?”

“Like what?”

“Having your head on my tits.”