That bulge. Maybe he’s getting a little excited, and maybe he isn’t, but that bulge is significant regardless. I take a deep breath.

“Are you still all right with me touching you?”

Rocco looks down at me, bites his lip, and nods.

“Anywhere at all? Even over your shorts?”

He nods again, but I realize I’m probably not being clear enough, and I don’t want to do something that will upset him.

“I want a verbal response this time, Rocco. Just this once. I have you tied up and at my mercy, which is exactly how I want you. Now, I want to touch your dick. Are you all right with me doing that?”

He tenses and sucks his lower lip into his mouth. He looks almost pained as he closes his eyes for a minute.

“I’ll get hard again.” I can barely hear his soft voice.

“That’s exactly what I’m hoping for.”

His eyes go wide, and I grin at him.

“I want you turned on, Roc. You turn me on, and I think it’s only fair.”

He stares at me, and I realize I’ve probably given him way too much to think about all at once. Just before I’m about to back off, he tilts his head to the right. As much as I want to take the action as a yes, I told him I wanted to hear it, and I can’t go back on that now.

“Rocco, do you want me to touch your dick?”



My heart begins to pound as I remember the first time I saw Rocco in the dungeon. I’d wanted to wrap my hand around that bulge even back then, and now I finally have the opportunity.

Slowly, I remind myself.

With one finger, I trace the edge of his shorts from his hip to the center. Unlike some guys, his dick isn’t pointing up, so I don’t touch the tip of it with my finger. Instead, that bulge is pointed down and to the right, which I consider to be a good sign.

I move my finger down again, reaching the base of his dick first, then tracing the length of it through his shorts, all the way to the tip. I suck in a breath as I think about just how far a journey that is, and when I do, his cock twitches.

I smile, encouraged, and reach underneath to palm his dick as I look up at him.

Rocco stares down at me with his mouth hanging open. His chest moves rapidly with his quick breaths, and his legs tense as I stroke him from the underside. I feel the girth of his cock increase as I move my hand, wondering if I can adjust him under the shorts enough to make him a little more comfortable as he starts to get completely erect.

Why the hell are his shorts still there at all?

“I want to take these off,” I say as I tug gently at the hem of the shorts.

Rocco gasps.

“You want me naked?”

“Yes. Definitely. Is that okay?”

“I...I don’t know. Why?”

“Because”—I lean in close, placing my mouth next to his ear—“it looks like your cock is going to bust right out of your shorts, and that can’t be comfortable. Mostly though, it’s because I want to see it.”

Rocco continues to stare, apparently unable to respond. After a full minute has passed, I prompt him again.

“Rocco?” I tug at the edge of the shorts again.