Page 118 of Win Some, Lose Some

When we weren’t talking about college, we were making plans for the weekend. When Saturday finally rolled around, I couldn’t help but worry about it.

Today was the day.

Well, more precisely—tonight was the night.

I wasn’t sure actually planning it out was the very best of ideas. All in all, the whole party fiasco wasn’t completely bad, and I had managed to avoid thinking about that for the better part of a week. Granted, I learned all about how much puking and hangovers suck, and Aimee and Scott were still trying to get things worked out between themselves and their parents, but it wasn’t all bad.

Now that high school was officially over, Mayra was mostly happy she didn’t have to face any of our classmates. Apparently, I said a few things at the party that weren’t taken the way they were intended. She wasn’t inclined to tell me exactly what I had said, and I admitted I didn’t remember it all very clearly.

Regardless, Mayra thought events at the party would have gone better if we had talked about them and planned everything out, which led to planning out tonight. We had talked about it and talked about it until she was blue in the face, and I was blue in the balls.

We were going to have sex tonight.

Dinner would be first. I was to pick Mayra up at six o’clock and bring her back to my house to cook. She was making pad Thai from scratch, and I was really looking forward to it. She had also hinted at chocolate cake, and I was definitely hoping she wasn’t joking about it because that would just about kill me.

After dinner, we would relax, watch television, and make out. We were just going to be casual and keep it at about the same level we usually did. Then I was going to go punch the heavy bag for a while to release whatever pent-up energy I was bound to have, take a shower, and then meet her in my room.

I swallowed hard as I dropped my head back down to my pillow and took my dick in my hand.

For the last week, I had thought in enough detail about having sex with Mayra that it often required some attention before I could go back out in public. I thought about what she would look like when I walked into my room. Would she already be naked and on my bed? Or would she be wearing one of those sexy lingerie items I had seen in catalogs? Would she light a bunch of candles and sprinkle rose petals all over the place?

Should I do that?

My hand slid up and down—base to tip, tip to base. I ran my tongue across my lips, and imagined Mayra straddling me. In my mind, she leaned over and placed her lips against mine as she lowered herself over me.

Moisture covered my palm as I ran it over the head of my cock, and then I dragged it back down to my balls. I could practically feel her body against me—the sweat from her skin mixing with mine as we moved slowly together.

“Ahh!” I cried out. For a moment, I just lay there and tried to regain my breath and my senses. I glanced at the clock, which read seven forty-five in the morning, and let out a long sigh.

There was no way I was going to make it through till tonight.

I pushed myself out of bed, showered, dressed, and sat down to make a list for the store.

A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter.

I shook my head, pushing Sesame Street memories from my thoughts as much as I could. That same phrase always came into my head when I made a list for the grocery store, and it would randomly repeat itself until I was through the checkout lane.

I started writing what I really wanted to get.

Mac and cheese








Cream cheese
