Page 61 of Judging Books

“Sounds like something your dad would say.” Ethan smirked. Apparently, I quoted my dad quite a lot. I hadn’t noticed before, but Ethan had been calling me out on it for the past two days. I scowled at first but then laughed because he was absolutely right.

“Fine, it is something he’s said to me before. But he’s right—I can’t make a career out of hanging out around books.”

“You could write.”

“Writers don’t make it, Ethan. That’s nothing more than a pipedream.”

“Would you enjoy it?”

“Not the point.”

“It’s my point. It’s not like you need the money, so why not do something you love?”

“Because I don’t want to be one of those kids that just lives off the money someone else had worked to earn. I want to earn my own money, my own place in life.”

“Respect.” Ethan saluted me before going back to work on my heels. “But you’ll never know if you can make it as a writer without trying. And you could earn money working at a library. You could even open a bookstore.”

“Ugh!” I pulled my feet from his hands and crawled out of my bean bag chair and into his. “Enough! I think announcing my relationship with you was enough of a shock to my dad’s system. I’m not sure he could handle anything else.”

“I just want you to be happy.” Ethan gave me his luscious smile, which I kissed and then kissed again.

“I’m happy,” I told him, moving my lips over the edge of his jaw and then up to his ear. “You are making me very happy.”

He slipped his hands down my sides and cupped my rear end, pulling my hips up against the bulge in his khaki, cut-off shorts.

“I want to give you something.” He snickered. “I’ll give you a hint what it is…”

“Oh really?” I played along, trying to look naïve about his, um, gift. “Whatever could it be?”

“Well, it’s long…” He pressed up against me again.

“Is that so?”

“Uh huh…and hard…”

“Keep going!”

“And it wants to be inside of you.” He pulled me close and whispered into my ear.

“Whatever could it be?” I whispered back.

“It’s a banana,” Ethan said. “They aren’t quite ripe, but I like them that way, and I’m starving!”

I smacked him on the shoulder as he rolled out from under me, grabbed me by the waist, and hoisted me up over his shoulder. He ran us to his bedroom, threw me into the middle of the mattress, and started pulling off his shirt and unbuttoning his shorts.

“Aren’t you a little presumptuous?” I asked, giggling as I pulled my own shirt over my head.

“You want me.” He shrugged and laughed. “Either that or the idea of eating a green banana has you all panting and sweating.”

I threw one of the pillows at him, which went way over his head and smacked the door behind him. He jumped on top of me, pulling at the button and zipper of my jeans and quickly discarding them off the side of the bed.

“I can’t wait to be inside you,” he murmured into my ear as he slipped his fingers between my legs. He reached over to the nightstand drawer with his free hand, pulled out a string of condoms, and tore one open with his teeth. “God, you are so wet…I want you so much.”

He pulled his fingers out and unrolled the condom quickly, rolling back on top of me and placing his hands on either side of my face, kissing me deeply. My heart was pounding, and the muscles in my thighs were begging me to start moving against him. I pulled my mouth away from his lips, tugging a little at his lip rings as I did.

“Please,” I kissed up the side of his jaw and nipped at his ear lobe, “don’t make me wait…I need that cock of yours in me.”

He didn’t prolong the moment but hitched my leg up over his hip and pushed slowly and sweetly into me. He sighed as he entered me fully and held himself there, gazing down at me with sparkling, intense green eyes. He swiveled his hips, pulled out a little, then back in again, repeating the motion until I was screaming his name and digging my nails into his shoulders.