Page 75 of Judging Books

“That doesn’t seem like a great use of time.”

“It would be worth it.” He hugged me close for a moment, then jumped up to get me a towel and some water.

I headed to the bathroom to clean myself up. In the mirror, I looked at my red-splotched face and smiled. Living with Ethan was definitely going to have its perks. As soon as I walked out of the bathroom, Ethan was right there, still naked, to wrap his arms around me and kiss me deeply.

“If we stay like this, we’re going to go at it again,” I said. “I’ll be living out of these boxes forever.”

“Might as well get to it then,” Ethan said with a smile.

Ethan released me, and we collected our clothing. I tried to ignore the wet spot on top of the box we had sex on and picked up one of the smaller boxes.

“I’ve got it.” Ethan rushed over and took the box from my hands. He asked me what the label on the top said and then hauled it to the spare bedroom. “I didn’t realize how many clothes you have!”

“I’ve got another box here,” I called from the hallway. “It’s just shoes. Should they go in the spare room, too?”

“Maybe I should get rid of some of my mom’s things,” Ethan said as he came back out for another box. “It would make more room for yours in our bedroom.”

“Only if you think you’re ready for that.”

“I don’t know.” Ethan stared at the floor for a moment. “I might be though. I just hate throwing them out.”

Ethan was silent for several moments and then smiled slightly.

“You know what we could do with them?”

“What?” I reached over and took his hands in mine.

“Do you remember seeing a strip mall near CeeCee’s place? Josh and I were going to buy it and turn it into a grocery with a farmer’s market. We could take the clothes there and let the women’s shelter across the street send people over to pick some things out. They always need clothes for interviews to help the women find jobs. What do you think of that?”

“I think that’s a great idea. That way, you know they’re going to good use.”

“I think Mom would have approved.” Ethan took a deep breath and nodded once. “That’s what we’ll do.”

I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

We unpacked until we were both ready to pass out. Ethan ordered Chinese food, and we sat in the bean bag chairs to eat.

“I told CeeCee,” Ethan said suddenly.

“Told him what?”

“I told him I bought their apartment building. I told him about what Josh and I have planned for the whole community. He knows how much money I have now.”

“How did he feel about it?”

“He seemed okay, but Andrea is pissed that I never told them before. We had it out a bit, but then I told them the reason for coming clean—I want to give them both jobs. Not just them, but Gwen and Faith, too.”

“What will you have them do?”

“Andrea is great with customer service,” Ethan said. “She’s done lots of jobs like that before. She really knows how to turn on the fake charm!” He laughed. “CeeCee has done a little construction before, and I want him to learn to be a construction foreman, so he’ll assist the other one Josh hired. I want Faith to be the head of human relations and make sure we get a plan together to provide health insurance people can afford, retirement plans, too.”

“What about Gwen?”

“Gwen likes getting dirty,” Ethan said with a laugh. “She also loves all those big constructions machines. I’m sending her to a trade school where she can learn how to operate them all.”

“Is she okay with you paying for that?”

“No.” Ethan shook his head. “The only way she would do it is if it were a loan, and I have to dock her checks until she’s paid it all back to me.”