Ty looked at the picture for a long time, a melancholy smile on his face, before he lifted it to look at the papers underneath. He frowned before looking back up at Zane, mouth open.

“You adopted Barnum?”

“And Bailey.”

“Zane!” Ty lunged at him and gave him a ferocious one-armed hug, forcing him to stumble back.

“Thank you,” Ty whispered against his ear.

“Anything you love that much . . . it’s worth any price.”

Ty stepped back, his eyes shining. “I love you.”

Zane smiled, and then rolled his eyes as Ty practically vibrated in front of him. “Okay, go hang up your kitty pictures and pet your car.”

“Thank you!” Ty said in an excited rush as he bounced away.

Zane watched his lover go, the smile still playing at his lips. He shook his head and laughed. Life with Ty. He was in for one hell of a wild ride.