Page 9 of Talen

“For the most part, no,” she says, “they don’t. However, my customers might. Even if they don’t really object, the knowledge would cut into my profits.”

“I hadn’t thought of it that way.” I furrow my brow, considering what she’s said. “But you have women clients, too.”

“I do,” she says, “but not many. I make a living off the men.”

“We do like to spend money on our baser desires.”

“You’re a horny lot, you mean.”

“Something like that.” I chuckle. “We also like our drink and our weed.”

“I should have been a weed merchant.” Ava shakes her head once more before settling down against the pillow.

“Don’t you still get money from the blueberries?” I ask.

“My cousin isn’t one to share.” Ava sighs. “My father and his father had a falling out over the whole business and rarely spoke again afterward. Once my father died, my uncle pushed me out of the business and eventually out of town altogether. It’s all right, though. I don’t miss it, and I make more money now anyway.”

“Is that why he pushed you out? Didn’t like the business you were running?”

“In a nutshell, yes. I’m not sure if he really had any objection to the business itself or just someone in his family doing it. If he found out one of my customers was trying to buy his blueberries, he refused to sell to them. Eventually, business went bad for me, so I left. He died a year later, but my cousin still kept the blueberry business all for himself.”

I knew Ava hadn’t been in Plastictown all her life, but I’d never asked her much about it before. Asking about someone tends to lead to them asking about me, so I quickly change the subject before she gets any ideas.

“You like that Layshell girl from the edge of town, don’t you?” I bend my arm to place my elbow on the mattress, holding my head up so I can look down at her. “That’s why you wanted me to help her out.”

Ava shrugs and quickly diverts attention from herself.

“And what about you?” she asks. “Where’s the love of your life?”

“Well, there’s the lesbian that lets me share her bed but won’t give it up unless I pay her…”

We both laugh, and Ava reaches up to stroke the side of my face.

“I’ve never even seen you in the company of a woman,” she says, “or a man—whatever you prefer.”

“It has been a while, I must confess.”

“How long?”

“A while.” I shrug, and Ava purses her lips at me. “I did have a girlfriend when I was young, but most of the women here look up to me as some kind of hero, and that’s not a good basis for a relationship. Think of the pressure I’d be under!”

I laugh, but Ava just shakes her head at me.

“You’re too pretty not to have a girl on every street, begging for your attention.”

“Pretty?” I raise an eyebrow.

“Yes, pretty.” She reaches up and strokes my jaw. “When was the last time you looked at yourself?”

“Last night, actually. I will admit it had been a while before then.”

“Was it in a mirror?” Ava asks quietly. “A real mirror?”

“A big one, too.”

“Were you in Hilltop?”

“Yes. It’s the closest Thaves community.”