Page 118 of Talen

“You think so, huh?”

“Well, there really is only one good way to keep warm.”

Aerin reaches behind her and grabs my hand, removes it from her ass, and places it on her stomach. I smile as I stare out over the landscape, lost in my own thoughts until Aerin clears her throat.

“What?” I ask, looking back at her.

“Talen.” She raises an eyebrow and then presses my hand harder against her stomach.

My eyes go wide as I stare down at my hand, finally comprehending Aerin’s gesture.

“We got to start a new life here, Talen.” She smiles at me as she moves my hand back and forth over her belly. “Soon, we’ll have another new life.”

“Are you serious?”

“Absolutely.” She glances down at our hands and bites down on her lower lip. “I’m a good three months late.”

I stare open-mouthed at her stomach, unable to say a word.

“You don’t like the idea?”

“I’m speechless.”

“Well, that’s a change of pace.” Aerin laughs, releases my hand, and wraps her arms around my neck. “But are you happy about it?”

“Yeah,” I say quietly. I can hardly hear my own voice as I hold her slightly away from me so I can still look down.

“That’s not exactly an exuberant response.” Aerin takes a step back and puts her hands on her hips. “I know we’ve never exactly talked about it, but—”

“I’m fucking ecstatic!” I finally tear my eyes from her stomach long enough to look at her face. I smile so widely, it hurts my face.

“Then you officially fit in as a soon-to-be-father,” she says, grinning.

My heart stops for a second as I look at her.

“What if I’m not any good at it?” I ask softly.

“You will be. You’re already so good with Corey. He totally idolizes you.”

“But, my father…”

“Was an asshole.” Aerin strokes the side of my face. “You will never be anything like him. In fact, knowing what he was like will make you the best father ever.”

“Are you sure?”


I take a deep breath. Maybe she’s right; she usually is. I certainly know what not to do as a father, and that could very well help me be better at parenting.

I reach down, pick her up, and swing her around in a big circle.

“We’re going to have a baby!” I scream for all to hear. I yell the words over and over again, spinning Aerin around until we’re both dizzy.

Cheers rise up from the longhouse, and several of our companions come out to congratulate us. Ava squeals as she runs out of the longhouse with Layshell close behind, and they both hug us tightly.

It doesn’t take long for half of the community to head over to us and offer their congratulations. Milo shakes my hand. Ava starts listing baby names. Aerin laughs as people come up to her, one by one, and pat her on the belly.

All I can do is grin like an idiot as the wind tosses my hair around my face.