“Who’s next?” he shouted.
I had to bite down on my lip to keep from volunteering.
There was no fucking way Raine would approve of any of this shit. She wouldn’t like it, not at all. She wouldn’t like the idea of me fighting, getting hit, or hitting another guy. It was entirely possible she would give me shit just for walking into the damn bar, and she would probably be right, but knowing how Raine would react to the whole situation wasn’t what made me stop.
I was going to do this shit—no doubt. I just wanted to see the dude fight again before I made myself known.
My interest was piqued. At least for now, I was going to watch.
The announcer called the dude in the orange shorts “Brutal Brutus,” which I thought sounded absolutely ridiculous, but it did seem to fit. He didn’t waste any time going after the next guy who walked into the cage with him. This one was a little older than college-boy, who was nursing a bloody and probably broken nose over by the bar. The new opponent was a muscular guy with biceps about as big as mine, but he also sported a lot of gut and very little hair.
Brutal Brutus wasn’t impressed with Muscles. He avoided the guy’s lame attempts at a left hook with ease. As big as he was, Muscles obviously didn’t have much fighting experience, and he went down quickly. The short fight still gave me enough opportunity to observe Brutus’s fighting style.
He favored his right way too much, and it left him unbalanced. He also stuck to very basic patterns that left little to the imagination. Right-right-left, right-right-left. He was predictable, which made him vulnerable.
“Does anyone else dare to face Brutal Brutus?” The MC-slash-announcer walked around the ring, pointing his finger at the audience. “There’s a hundred dollars to anyone who can stay up for three minutes, five hundred if you can take him down!”
I didn’t give a shit about the money, but I approached the edge of the ring and caught the MC’s eye.
“Looks like we have a challenge!” he announced, and the crowd began to cheer.
One of the bouncers led me back to a small room that served as a locker room but looked like it was supposed to be a large custodial closet. The smell was nearly enough to make me gag, but I breathed through my mouth and went inside. The bouncer dude pointed out a shelf with a few pairs of shorts on it, and I grabbed blue ones. He politely stood facing the door and away from me as I removed my shirt, dropped my jeans, and pulled on the trunks.
“Ya ready?” he asked.
“Just about,” I said. I rolled each shoulder around, stretched my arms and chest a bit, and then nodded to him.
The bouncer brought me back out to the edge of the cage and opened the chain door. As I stepped into it, the MC leaned toward me.
“What are ya?” he asked. “Six-three? Six-four?”
“Six-three,” I replied.
“About two-twenty.”
“What’s your name?”
I paused for a moment.
“Daniel,” I said.
“Got it!” The announcer cracked his knuckles as he looked me over a bit more.
“Here we go again, everyone!” he called out. “Next into the cage is Dangerous Daniel!”
I rolled my eyes. The chick in the referee bikini took my hand by the wrist and held it over her head as the MC went over my stats.
“He’s six feet three inches tall, and weighs in at two hundred and twenty pounds of solid muscle! Ladies, keep your eyes on this one!”
I glanced out over the audience and listened to the hollering coming from the women in the bar. A warm tingle went up my spine as the familiarity of the situation relaxed me and I focused my attention on what was to come.
Looking over at Brutus, I gripped my hands into fists and took a deep breath as the chick referee pushed a mouthguard between my teeth.
This was where I belonged.
Brutus walked up, danced on the balls of his feet, and waited patiently for me to make the first move. Knowing he would start with his right, I moved into his space to give him what would appear to be a clear shot. The slight grin on his face told me he had fallen for it before he took his first swing.