“He’s great,” Raine said. “He and John

Paul hit it off. I didn’t realize that man was such a child at heart.”

I smiled, but it hurt my head.

“Landon?” I asked.

Raine’s face scrunched up at the mention of his name.

“He left a little while ago to get something to eat,” she said. “He should be back in an hour.”

A doctor showed up and checked me over in greater detail. She pulled back the dressing on my thigh, ordered the nurse to add something to my IV, and shined a flashlight in my eyes.

“How does your head feel?” she asked.

“Like shit,” I replied.

“Bastian!” Raine snapped.

“Well, it fucking does,” I muttered.

“Quite all right,” the doctor said. “He’s got a few reasons to curse. You might want to consider a safer hobby.”

I wasn’t sure what she thought my hobby was, but I figured it was best not to say anything else. Raine watched as the doctor finished up my examination and then left. The nurse came back with a bag of something to add to my IV drip, and Raine gave me a little more water.

“You okay?” I asked her.

“I’m fine,” she said. “Just worried about you.”

“No worries,” I told her. “I always bounce back.”

Landon appeared in the doorway just as the nurse was finishing up. He stood quietly near the entrance until she was done then asked Raine to give us a few minutes alone. She glared at him without responding but stood from her chair. She leaned over to kiss my forehead and run her hand through my hair.

“I’ll be outside,” she said sharply. “I’m going to let John Paul and Alex know you’re awake.”

“Thanks, babe.”

Landon moved out of the way as Raine passed, a slight smile on his face. He watched her walk out before shutting the door and coming to sit by my side.

“You look a little better,” he remarked. “There was a time I thought I’d have to convince them to give Raine your winnings posthumously.”

“Thanks for your vote of confidence.”

“You were in bad shape,” he said. “You had hypothermia along with your injuries. Bad infection in your leg, too.”

“So I hear.”

“Prognosis is good, now that you’re conscious. Your leg is going to need some physical therapy once it’s mended enough, but you should be back to normal in a few months. You gained a few more scars.”

“Just additions to the collection,” I mused.

“If you are going for a record, I think you might have won.”

I had to keep myself from laughing at his comment—moving hurt.

“Did you find Arden’s body?” I asked.

Landon shook his head.