Page 14 of Worth

“Are you agreeable?” I asked. Her preferences should not have mattered to me, but still I inquired. My eyes bore into her as she looked at me with awe. Her throat bobbed as she swallowed and nodded her head.

“Yes, Lucius,” she said softly. “I would be most grateful.”

A slow smile spread across my face as I saw the truth of her words in her deep blue eyes. She wanted this as much as I did.

“Then it will be done,” I swore to her softly.

Her agreement brought a smile to my lips, and again her worth to me increased.


“Bring Antonius to me.”

I clenched my teeth and stood on shaky legs as Cassianus watched me warily.

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“Sergius tells me you are not yet fit for travel,” he said. “He says you need more time to heal. A few more weeks at the hospital will undoubtedly-”

“To further line your pockets for treatments?” I interrupted with a snort. “No, I don’t think so.”

“I fear you would be forced to make another long journey, forced to return here when your wound becomes inflamed,” Cassianus said with conviction. “By the gods, you must stay with us another week at the very least.”


“A few days, then,” he insisted. “Allow my skilled doctor to continue to treat you. You are far too important to the Emperor to allow you to leave without proper care at your disposal. Sergius says you need many medicines still, and they must be properly administered to ensure their affect.”

I sighed outwardly. Inside, I felt nothing but the smug sensation of having him fall into such words so easily. I couldn’t have scripted his role with any greater accuracy than he offered me on his own. It was exactly as I had planned.

“I’ll take that nursemaid slave,” I said with a dismissive flick of my hand, as if the thought had just occurred to me, “the one who has hung about here like one of Juno’s tits just waiting for me to come up with the desire to suckle. She’s done more for my care than your doctor. I’ll take her with me.”

“Aia?” Cassianus asked. “She belongs to me.”

“Yes, a Roman citizen sold into slavery to cover the debts of her father,” I sneered. “You apparently support the breaking of our laws. Perhaps I should make that known to your friends in the Senate.”

He blanched as his eyes widened. As soon as I saw his reaction, I knew he had already been aware of her circumstances. I felt my muscles tighten and considered destroying the man in front of me. Had I been uninjured, I would have done so.

“What is her worth?” I said as I turned to stare him in the eye. There would be no backing down from this, and I wanted to be sure he knew I was quite serious in my intentions. I intended to make Aia mine, and it would be so. He would either agree without argument, or he would discover just how much wrath I could bring upon him and his household.

She will be mine.

“She’s a hard-working slave,” he said as he rubbed at his chin. “She’s learned much during her time-”

“So train another,” I interrupted. Again, I waved my hand at him. “I’ll buy this one from you for five coins—easily three times her price.”

“It is not in my plan to sell her,” he said. He set his jaw as he stared into my eyes.

Forcing myself to my full height, I stepped closer to the man and looked down upon him.

“I suggest a change of plans is in your interest,” I informed him. “You undoubtedly know my reputation for getting what I want. I suggest you consider your next words very carefully, or you’ll discover just how determined a man you face.”

He darted his tongue across his dry lips, considered for a moment, and then nodded.

“Five denarii,” he capitulated, and I smiled as I handed him his coin.

She is mine.

Sergius and Aia returned from the far room, and the doctor walked to his employer’s side. Before he could speak, Cassianus turned to him.