I’ve already read the book I was sent this week, and it wasn’t interesting enough to read again. I end up paging through the booklet that was provided to me in the beginning about quarantine. Half of it just deals with procedures for when medical staff comes into the quarantine pod, which hasn’t happened in forever. They used to come in every week and check my vitals. I’d have to stand with my hands on the wall while a group of people in hazmat suits poked and prodded me. As much as that sucked, I realize I miss the interaction.

The fact is, talking to someone—anyone—is better than nothing, and my options are extremely limited.

I sigh, stand up, and step out onto the balcony.

“Hey,” Kendra says as soon as I slide open the door.

“Hey,” I reply. I pull out an extra cig and lean over the rail to throw it to her before she even has a chance to ask.

“Thanks!” She smiles, but her eyes are wary.

“What?” I ask, sounding more tense than I want to.

“I didn’t think you’d be so magnanimous,” she says. “You were a bit upset yesterday.”

“Yeah, well…” I light my cigarette and take a couple drags off of it. “I don’t like thinking about all of it. Thinking about it makes me pissy. Don’t throw the obvious in my face—I don’t need that.”

“Sorry,” Kendra says quietly. “I’m used to just saying what’s on my mind. I wasn’t thinking. Maybe we should stick to other topics of conversation, hmm?”

“Like what?”

“Honestly, I don’t care. It’s been so long since I’ve really talked to someone, I’d even listen to old western stories.”

I laugh. I can’t help it. I look over at her tentative smile and realize I’ve been a bit hard on her. She has her reasons for running even if I don’t agree with them. Our world is fucked up, and judging people on how they deal with fear isn’t helping much.

I give her

a genuine smile, and she returns it. Her face lights up for a moment, and the tension she’d been holding in her body melts for just a few seconds, and I feel my own anxiety fade. In this relaxed state, I finally take a really good look at her.

She has an oval face with soft, pale features. Her eyes are a lighter color of brown now that the sun shines on us, and the curve of her lips is quite enticing. She’s really quite attractive, and I don’t think I see her this way because she’s the first woman I’ve seen in months.

She glances away, and I think I can see a faint blush on her cheeks. I lick my lips and take a deep breath. I really want to hear her laugh again.

“Your admitting to being a fan of westerns then, huh? Fabulous! I’ve been wanting to bring my horse out here and spit a bit.”

Kendra laughs and shakes her head. The sound warms me, so I keep pushing it.

“Once you’ve been here for a while, you get other choices for luxury items. Farm animal options show up after three months.”

“And you didn’t get a sheep?”

“Hey now!” I glare at her. “That is not my kink!”

“Oh yeah?” She tilts her head at me. “And what is your kink?”

I look away from her quickly as my muscles tense, and my skin tingles a bit. I hadn’t really planned on the topic of discussion going in this direction, and I’m unprepared. I don’t know how to answer her question.

“Sorry,” Kendra mutters.

“What for?”

“I think I embarrassed you.”

“No, you didn’t,” I say as my face heats up anyway.

“Oh, really?” She raises an eyebrow at me, and I glare at her.

“I don’t think I have a kink,” I finally say.