“I do have some good news, though.”

“Oh yeah?”

“I got that job at the market down the street.”

“The delivery job?”

“Yeah. I think it will be all right, but I’m going to need a vehicle.”

“Take my truck for now,” I say. I take one last draw on the smoke before tossing the butt into the flower pot I’ve been using as an ashtray. “I can catch the bus. When my back pay comes in, it should be enough to get another used car.”

“Are you sure? I think I might have enough left on the debit card for a junker.”

“No, it’s fine.” I lean over and kiss the top of her head. “What’s mine is yours.”

“At least I can start contributing now. I’m not used to this whole ‘kept woman’ thing, not even in the new normal.”

“Ooh…I kinda like the sound of that.”

She shoves my shoulder, and I grab her hip, pulling her close to me and spilling some of her coffee. Before she can protest, I press my lips to hers, kissing her slowly and deeply. When we part, she’s smiling up at me, and my heart pounds faster.

We’re interrupted by a ding on my phone, and I glance at the screen, smiling.

“Is that work?” Kendra asks.

“No. My sister.”

“What does she say?” Kendra leans over, and I tilt the phone so she can read it.

“She’ll be here next weekend,” I say.

“It will be good for you to see her.”

“It’s probably going to be rough. We haven’t seen each other since the rest of my family…well, you know. We have to deal with it eventually though. Are you sure you’re okay with her staying here?”

“It’s your house, Sean.”

“It’s our house.” I narrow my eyes at her. I understand her hesitation, but we’ve had this same conversation a dozen times.

“Whatever.” Kendra waves her hand dismissively. “I’m fine with it, really. I’m looking forward to meeting her.”

I pull her close to me again, and she turns her head to rest her cheek against my chest. We stand there for a long moment, just touching each other. Like a physical representation of our mantra, we do this as often as possible.

“I love you,” I whisper.

“I love you, too, Sean. My savior.”

“You are the one who saved me,” I whisper against her hair. “I don’t think the idea of starting over would be as appealing to me if you weren’t here to share it with.”

“It’s weird, huh??


“What is?”

“What had to happen to bring us together. When you think about it, it sounds awful to say, but I wouldn’t change it. Not now.”

“I guess I wouldn’t either.”