Page 157 of Offside


“First question,” he said as he pulled out a mini clipboard and a pencil. “What the hell is a Rumple?”

If he kept up questions lik

e this, we were literally going to follow Shakespeare’s words and “laugh ourselves into stitches.” Somehow, just having him here made me feel better.

Now how was he going to get Rumple into my room?



After a quick explanation of the origin of RumplestiltSkye and the painful laughter that occurred along with it, Greg gave me the details of the accident. As I had pretty much already figured out, the brunt of the impact from the car was on me, and the trajectory of Nicole's body and mine when we were hit resulted in her being partially shoved underneath a car parked at the diner entrance, which kept her from suffering much harm. She had to get stitches in her right shoulder from getting caught on something under the car and had a mild concussion but was otherwise okay.

The whole conversation lasted maybe a half hour, and when it was done, I was completely exhausted. The idea that just lying there and talking could wear me out was frustrating, to say the least. Greg was still talking when I dropped off.

I could feel soft, warm fingers over my cheek and temple and then through my hair. Instinctively, I turned my head toward the sensation, and when I awoke, I was met with her beautiful blue eyes.

“Hey there,” Nicole said softly.

“Hey,” I managed to croak out. Nicole picked up my cup and held it up to me. With the bed lying back too far, the water just managed to dribble down my chin, and we played around with the bed controls until I was more upright.

Once I was settled comfortably, I just looked at her—taking in her appearance and noticing a lot of changes. She was thinner, no doubt, and she looked tired. I also noticed she was wearing one of my practice shirts, and I wondered where she got it. Would she have gone to ask Dad to let her take one? Maybe she got it out of my locker or my soccer bag.

“You look good in my shirt,” I said with a smile.

She blushed and looked down at her hands, which held one of mine.

“It needs to be washed,” she replied. “I kind of wear it a lot.”

I thought about that and decided I definitely liked it.

“Thomas?” Nicole said softly.


“Thank you.”

I looked from where she held my hand to her face and saw there was a tear running down her cheek. I tried to raise my hand to brush it away, but it just kind of flopped back down on my stomach. She seemed to understand, and with a small, sad smile, she picked up my hand and brushed it over her cheek.

“Anytime,” I said, and I meant it. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.

“I knew it, you know,” she said.

“Knew what?”

“That you didn't…say what you said because you wanted to say it. I knew it was him.”

I looked away, focusing on the IV needle puncturing my skin. I was glad she knew but upset about it at the same time.

“What did you say to him?” I asked.

She let out a short, sharp laugh.

“Which time?”

My eyes turned back to her, and I shook my head a little.