Page 138 of Offside

“Don’t waste any time,” he said as he rummaged around. I hoped he wouldn’t notice how clean it was. “You going to fuck her again?”

Though this line of talk had been occurring between us since he found out I had lost my virginity on the school bus, riding back from an away game, this time it felt really uncomfortable. I didn’t want to talk about Nicole this way, and I didn’t want him thinking about her like that.

“I…don’t know,” I finally answered.

He straightened up and looked over to me, his eyes narrowed.


“You never fuck a girl twice,” he said. It wasn’t a question. “Why are you even thinking about it?”


Too close.

I needed something plausible, and fast.

I put my game face back on and shrugged.

“I think I can talk her into anal,” I said, and my stomach turned. I could taste bile in the back of my throat. “She said she might.”

Dad looked at me, his eyes still narrowed as he stared at me. I didn’t move—didn’t drop my gaze from his. I just kept looking right in his eyes and tried to breathe as slowly as possible. The corners of his eyes tightened, and right about the time I thought I was going to burst, he threw his head back and laughed.

“I can hear it now!” he said as he laughed again. “Hey, Sheriff, I hear your daughter takes it in the ass!”

He closed the refrigerator without getting anything out of it and clasped me on the shoulder as he walked out of the kitchen and into the living room to turn on the TV. I kept my smile on as long as I could, and then I took off up the stairs and to my bathroom for a few minutes, where I debated getting sick. I didn’t, but my stomach still felt queasy.

I sat on the edge of my bed and closed my eyes, trying to relax a little. I wished tomorrow was a school day because I really wasn’t sure I could handle being here with Dad right now—not if he was going to keep saying shit like that. I know it was just his way of connecting with me or something, but while it had never bothered me in the past, hearing him say that shit about Rumple just made me want to punch him.

And that would not go over well. Not at all.

I needed to think about something else for the sake of my own sanity.

Sunday sucked. I didn't see Nicole at all.

Monday was good. I stayed outside Nicole's classroom doors until the last possible second before the bell rang and was late to all my own classes, but I didn't give a shit about that. She stayed for practice, and we got to make out in the car for a bit before I took her home. We even IM’d that night for the first time since Rumple didn’t have any text messaging on her phone.

SoccerGod2014: Hi

BeautifulSkye18: Hi…is that you, Thomas?

SoccerGod2014: Yeah. I miss you

BeautifulSkye18: I miss you, too

SoccerGod2014: Can I come live at your house?

BeautifulSkye18: Sure!

SoccerGod2014: Heh. I guess that probably wouldn't work too well, huh?

BeautifulSkye18: I don't know. Is your dad bugging you?

I wondered what she really wanted to say.

SoccerGod2014: A little. It's OK tho

BeautifulSkye18: No it isn't