Page 135 of Offside

That motherfucker.

“That’s what he told you, isn’t it?” I snapped at her. I didn’t really mean to be angry with her, but I wanted to kill that bastard. “He told you there was something wrong with you because he was a lazy-ass shithead who didn’t know how to get a girl off.”

“He did…try,” she said somewhat sheepishly—like she should be embarrassed by it. “A couple times.”

“Not good enough,” I said and shook my head definitively. I took her face in my hands and pulled myself up so I was hovering over the top of her and looking down into her big, blue eyes. “There is nothing wrong with you. You are fucking beautiful and smart and all kinds of other shit I just don’t have the words to describe, but it’s all good. Nothing is wrong with you. He’s just an asshole who better never get close enough for me to get my hands on him.”

Nicole finally smiled a bit, and the look in her eyes softened.

“Thank you,” she said.

I just kept looking at her and then let a huffed breath out my nose.

“You realize what you’ve done now?”

“What?” she asked with wide eyes.

“You have presented me with a challenge,” I informed her, and I raised my hands up in a grand, completely overdone gesture. I dropped them down again, then leaned over her and brushed her nose with mine. “And this challenge, I will definitely win.”

“You are wasting your time,” she said.

I narrowed my eyes at her and then placed my hand on her hip, slowly brought my fingers to her breast, then back down to her hip again. I moved them around to the front and cupped her heat.

“I like this place and could willingly waste my time in it,” I quoted.

My Rumple’s smile returned, which was all the encouragement I needed.

“You just gotta tell me what you do when you’re alone,” I said.

“Um…” Nicole mumbled as she tried to chew her bottom lip right off. “Just…um…touch myself...”

“Oh yeah?” I said with a bit of a smirk. “What else?”

“I think about…stuff.”

“What do you think about?” I asked her. I nuzzled up against her cheek. Actually, the idea of her touching herself was really getting me hot. “When you’re touching yourself?”

“Um…” Pink tinged her cheeks.

“What is it?” I asked again.

“Well,” she said quietly, “lately I’ve thought of…you.”

“Have you now?” I said. My cheeks were starting to hurt, I was smiling so much. Well, smirking, really. “What do you think about?”

“Um…just you,” she said all nonchalantly.

Not going to put up with that shit.

“What about me?” I pressed.

She shrugged and bit into her lip again.

I leaned over close to her ear as I moved my hand slowly up her side.

“You think about my cock, don’t you, Rumple?”

I heard her gasp and felt her body tense against mine. At first, I thought I had upset her, but when I looked more closely, her eyes were dilated as she looked up at me, and her lips were parted.