Page 117 of Offside

“Doesn't sound familiar,” Paul said. “Why?”

I ignored his question.

“Does Ron have a family?”

“He's got a couple of kids,” he told me. “I was in the same classes as his daughter, Rachel.”

“Any more?”

“I think she had a sister or something. I didn't really know them too well since my parents never got along with them.”

“Oh, yeah. Okay, cool.”

“Why do you want to know?” he pressed.

“Just curious,” I shrugged.

I turned and walked off then immediately ducked into the bathroom. Thankfully, there was no one else in there. I pulled out my phone and browsed my contact list.

“Hey, Malone.”

“Hey. I need some info.”


“Whatever you got on Ron Jones, and a guy named Timmy from the next township over.”

“Last name?”

“I dunno. Maybe the same,” I said.

“I know the other name—he's on the council, I think.”

“That's the one.”

“Okay, I'll get back to you.”

Iago’s warning came to mind: “O, beware, my lord, of jealousy.” In the back of my head, I knew Rumple was going to be pissed about me digging into her relationships. I didn’t care. I just needed to know who the fuck Timmy was.

It didn’t take long. Right before lunch, my phone started meowing furiously as I got a call back, but he had nothing on Timmy Jones.

What the fuck?

Nothing interesting came up for Ron Jones, either. Just that he was a council member with two daughters, both over eighteen. I got an address at least, though I didn't know my way around town except how to get to the mall. Like I said, the residents didn't care much for the Malones, so I pretty much stayed away from town if I could. Dad always thought it was best to let him deal with the politicians and keep me away from all of it. There were times he’d bring me along to rub the soccer stuff in their faces, but that was about it. The couple of times I had been to social events with him, it had been pretty obvious we weren’t welcome.

Of course, it might have been because I had fucked one of the alderman’s daughters, and her dad walked in on us.


It was pretty quiet in the lunchroom, and Nicole kept asking if I was pissed at her because she was going to miss my practice. I just shrugged, not really knowing what to say. It wasn't like she was going to tell me anything. She leaned over and kissed the side of my mouth when biology was over, and I felt like a total shit for being such a total shit.

“I just don’t want you to go,” I whispered into her ear.

“I know,” she whispered back. She gave me a small smile before she walked out.

I was already on the field practicing when school let out, so I had a good view of the parking lot as kids starting getting in their cars to head home. I was doing a little ball juggling when I saw a posh Jaguar pull into the lot and drive up next to the main doors. Nicole walked out and got in the passenger side. All I could see of the driver were dark glasses and black hair.

I don't know why that set me off exactly, but it did. I slammed the ball into the goal with my right foot and took off toward the parking lot.