Page 114 of Specimen

“Will you be able to guide me?” If I could talk to her the whole time, maybe it would be all right.

“Not with the blocking chip Errol installed, no,” she says.

I close my eyes and shake my head.

“I don’t like it,” I say softly.

“I don’t like anything about this,” she replies, “but we’re out of options.”

Pressing my lips to hers, I give in completely. I know I can’t talk her out of it, and if she decides she’s had enough of my arguing, she can always order me to stop. I deepen the kiss and envelop her in my arms.

An overwhelming sense of foreboding collects in the pit of my stomach. Even as Riley strokes my arm once more before we go back to join the others, I can’t shake the feeling.

Chapter 25

“You looked damn good in that suit, you know.” Riley smiles at me as we bump down the road.

I glance down at the garment bag at my feet. The tailored suit I’ve been given is dark, professional, and discreet. The goal is not to be noticed when I enter Mills Pharmco.

“You looked damn good last night when I had you spread out on the desk.”

Riley presses her lips together as her cheeks turn red. As mouthy as she can be during sex, she’s very reserved about it around other people.

“You pull off the executive look very well,” she says, diverting the conversation as she glances at the soldiers in the back of the truck. “I don’t think you’ll have any trouble blending in at Mills Pharmco.”

We’re nearing the border between Carson Alliance and Mills Conglomerate territory, where we will stop and wait for night to fall. I should be running through the mission in my head, but all my thoughts are on the conversation I had with Riley last night.

“Riley, can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“We, um…we never use any kind of protection. Are you on birth control, or am I sterile?”

She stills for a moment before she answers.

“Both, actually.”

“So I can’t father a child?”

“Not as long as you are receiving your current injections.”

“That implies it could be reversed.”

“It’s possible,” Riley says. “It isn’t something that was ever tested. Is that…is that something you want?”

“Don’t you? I mean, someday, when all of this shit is behind us?”

“I don’t know if it will ever be behind us, Galen.”

I’d had a knot in my stomach as I held her and watched her fall asleep. I had the unnerving thought that it was our last night together, and I haven’t been able to shake that feeling ever since.

“It’s not too late, you know,” I say as I lean close to Riley. “You can just stay here on the Carson side. It’s not that far to Marra. You’d be safer here.”

“I’m not discussing this with you again,” she says.

It’s not quite an order but close enough for me to shut up. I reach over and take her hand and lace our fingers together. She lays her head on my shoulder.

“It will all be over soon,” she says. “We’ll get the Seroquel, figure out how to synthesize it, and we won’t have to do anything like this again.”