Page 72 of Specimen

“I honestly don’t know,” Riley says. “Another hour and I don’t think he would have survived.”

“We got lucky.”

“This doesn’t have anything to do with luck.” Dr. McCall’s shrill voice is full of grit. “They returned him to us with intent. We need armed guards around him at all times. If Spat has had access to him, he could be compromised. We may need to wipe his implants out completely.”

“Can you let me get him stable first?” Riley snaps at Dr. McCall. “In fact, I want you out of here. You can read my report later.”

“At what point did you get promoted above me? Do you think he escaped after all this time? They put him right in our path, and if you fix him up, there is no telling what kind of damage he’ll do!”

“Enough!” Captain Mills steps between the two of them. “Go on; get out of here. You aren’t helping matters at the moment.”

I hear Dr. McCall’s retreating steps and open my eyes. Captain Mills stands next to Riley as they both look me over. O

ther doctors and nurses gather around, monitoring my vitals and prepping me for surgery.

What are they going to do?

My heart pounds and my breaths come in short, staccato gasps. One of the nurses places her hand on my forehead as a mask is placed over my nose and mouth. Air is forced into my lungs, slowing my breathing and clouding my mind.

“McCall does have a point,” Mills says. “He may be compromised.”

“I realize that,” Riley replies, “but we don’t know for sure. If we wipe him out now, we’ll lose whatever information he may have learned while he was captured. He’s obviously been in contact with Errol Spat, maybe even Hudson.”

“Agreed. Keep his memories intact for the time being. We need to learn everything he knows before we take action.”

Riley places her hand on my wrist, checking the IV the nurse inserted. I turn my hand over and try to reach for her. She looks into my eyes as she places her hand on my cheek.

“Relax now,” she says softly. “I’m going to put you under and get you stable. I’ll get you healed up, and then we can talk, okay?”

I press my face against her palm. It’s all the movement I can muster. My nose tingles with a strange scent coming from the mask around my face. My body feels heavy. Riley’s face above me blurs, and I am plunged into darkness.


Riley says I’ve been out for three days. I don’t remember waking up or dreaming at all during that time. I do remember what happened to me, though, and I still remember who I am and how I got here.

In fact, I remember everything. I remember my childhood and my family. I know every detail of the farm where I grew up and later tended the land. I recall my father’s voice as he regaled me with stories while we tilled the fields. I remember him telling me I was the only son in the family and the oldest child, and that position held meaning.

I don’t want to forget.

Riley has been fussing over me since I woke up. I’ve been injected so many times, I half expect my arms to start spouting like a fountain. My head is clear now, and Riley says the levels of the drugs in my system are nearly back to normal. I honestly don’t know what I think about that, but at least I feel strong again.

I know Riley has a thousand questions for me, but she hasn’t asked anything yet. I wonder if she can read through the information in my implants and learn it all without me ever opening my mouth. I wonder if she already has.

“Do you think you can get up?” she asks.

“Pretty sure.” I sit up slowly, glad the dizziness and nausea seem to be gone. I swing my legs to the side of the bed and stand. I can tell my muscles are a little weak because my legs are shaky, but I don’t feel like I’m going to fall.

“You need a haircut.” Riley reaches up and runs her hand through my hair and then over my face. “A shave, too. Do you want to get in the shower? I’ll be right there with you.”

“Yeah, okay.” I remember Isaac’s comment about how bad I smelled and chuckle to myself.

I stand in the stream of water with my head tilted up and my eyes closed, welcoming the warmth. After I rinse and dry myself, Riley looks me over.

“The scars on your legs—what are those from?”

“Nails, I think.” I reach down and rub the spot on my left thigh. “I couldn’t really see what they were using.”

Riley bites down on her lip, and I reach out to touch her cheek.