Page 102 of Specimen

“We want to determine if you can be reverted to the way you were before you were forced into Project Mindstorm,” Anna says.

“The information your diagnostics provided us with is very helpful, Galen,” Merle says. “If we can understand how to turn it off or reverse it, we can fix the other men in your position.”

“I can’t help you fight a war if you change me back.”

“Is there even a war?” Merle raises his hands and tilts them upward in an exaggerated shrug. “There are attacks on supply lines, cyber battles over intelligence information, but there hasn’t been an actual hostile takeover of any territory for years. That’s why Project Mindstorm is so important to Mills.”

“He’s right,” Riley says. “That was the whole idea behind it—create a small group of soldiers who can get behind enemy lines and do major damage. Mills has the more advanced technology, but the Carson Alliance has always had the resources and the numbers to counter offensive movements.”

“The Carson Alliance and the Mills Conglomerate have been at a stalemate for a decade,” Merle says. “Project Mindstorm is the first real threat either side has developed since the beginning. It’s the first real offensive advantage for Mills, which is why we can’t let it be successful.”

“Mills is desperate for resources,” Riley says. “It’s not a subject I know a lot about, but it’s definitely always in the back of everyone’s minds.”

“Are you running out of food there?” Anna asks.

“It’s not so much food,” Riley says. “Synthetics do work, Anna, but there are other components we can’t synthesize as easily. Carson controls the mining facilities for the minerals needed for the tech division. Without those resources, we have trouble keeping up with demand. Some of the smaller provinces are suffering.”

Even with my memoires intact, I don’t have a lot of knowledge about the details of the war, and I can barely follow the discussion.

They want to change me back.

“If Mills has all the specimens except me,” I say, “and you change me back, you have nothing.”

“Do we have you?” Merle asks.

“I’m here, aren’t I?”

“That’s not the same as fighting on our side.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to protect Riley,” I say. “The fact is, I have nowhere else to take her where she’ll be safe. She can’t return to Mills territory. Even if they think I took her as a hostage, they’ll eventually figure out she had a hand in it.”

“We need to get the implant’s transmission blocked and move to a new location.”

“They can’t mobilize against us in such a short period of time,” Merle says. He nods at me before he stands and looks at Donald Cross. “We have a lot more to talk about, but all of that can wait until tomorrow. It’s getting late, and I gather the two of you have had a rough few days. I want to make arrangements for you to be comfortable tonight.”

We all stand, and I fix my gaze on Riley as her shoulders rise and fall with a deep breath before speaking.

“I guess we’re now a part of the Carson Alliance.”

Chapter 22

Riley and I are escorted to a nearly hotel. Two of the soldiers are stationed outside the door for our safety. It’s bullshit, but I understand the need for caution. The soldiers aren’t the same men as earlier, and they’re polite enough.

Fresh clothing has been delivered to the room. After we get cleaned up, we dress in fluffy white bathrobes and are treated to a room service dinner. The plates are loaded with steak, flatbread, and green beans. Riley stares at the meal with wide eyes. She doesn’t seem to know what to do with it.

“Just eat it,” I say with a smile.

“I’ve never even seen a meal like this,” she says. “I’ve lived my whole life on synthetics, but this is all real.”

“I had some when I was with them before. It’s a little hard to get used to, but we had real food all the time when I was younger.”

Riley takes a few bites and washes it all down with a large glass of water.

“My jaw is going to get tired.”

“I’ve got better ways to do that.” I raise an eyebrow at her. “And we’re alone here—no one watching.”

I remember how she was the first time we were truly alone, and the thought makes my dick throb. It feels like I haven’t been alone with her in forever though it has only been a few hours.