I lick my lips as she gets closer, watching her in the passenger-side mirror. I see her tilt her head up as she recognizes the car. She smiles as she focuses on the back bumper, and I roll the window down as she stops next to the car.

“Need a lift?” I say with a smile.

She presses her lips together and narrows her eyes at me.

“What’s with the one-liners?”

“I thought I was being polite.” I reach over and open the door, staring at her legs as she climbs into the low seat. Without thinking, I begin to speak. “It’s early. Maybe I should take you out for dinner or something first.”

Alina eyes me again, probably trying to decide if I’m serious or not. I’m not completely sure myself, but my stomach growls a bit at the thought.

“How do you feel about sushi?”

“I like sushi,” she says.

“I know a really good place off Michigan Avenue.”

“That sounds good.” There’s hesitation in her voice, but I choose to ignore it. I know my behavior is atypical, but that’s typical for me.

I park the car at the valet station and get a table for two inside

the restaurant.

“Is everything all right?” Alina asks once the server has left with our order.

“Everything is fine,” I reply automatically. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, you’re early, for starters.” Alina places her napkin neatly in her lap before meeting my eyes. “You’ve picked me up very late at night the other times. The whole dinner thing is unusual.”

She’s observant; I have to give her that.

“Those things go together,” I tell her. “It is the dinner hour.”

She concedes the point and sips at some water. I was right about her clothes bringing out her eyes. They practically sparkle over the glass. She has long lashes, and they frame her eyes beautifully.

“Try one.” I take the sushi roll with my chopsticks, dip it in the soy sauce, and hold it up to her.

Alina keeps her eyes on me as she leans in and opens her mouth so I can slide the roll inside. My throat constricts as she wraps her lips around the whole thing, and my pants are suddenly a little too tight for my cock.

I watch her devour the roll and then run her tongue over her lips, catching a little soy sauce that escaped. I can practically feel the moisture from her tongue on my dick, and I want dinner over though we haven’t even finished half the sushi rolls. I need to take a drink of my water to clear my throat.

“You about full?” I ask, my voice still raspy.

“I’d like to be,” she responds softly.


It could be an expletive; it could be a prayer. I’m not sure which.

“I’ll get the check.”

There’s a line of people waiting for the valet. The club next door hosts a lot of fancy, exclusive parties, and one of them must have just let out. There are so many people milling about the valet station, I can’t even get out of the restaurant.

Glancing around, I see a small alcove over to the side of the hostess station and make my way toward it, holding Alina by the hand. The light doesn’t quite reach the area, which appears to be storage for a few jackets, likely for the staff.

I pull Alina into the shadows with me and stare into her bright blue eyes. I wet my lips as I bring my hand up to her cheek and use my arm to bring our bodies closer together. We’ve been close before, even mostly naked, but this is different. I’m aware of every part of her that touches me. I can feel the warmth and softness of her skin beneath her clothing.

I stroke her lower lip with my thumb and then lean in. Our mouths touch softly and briefly, and I can feel her breath on my lips.