
She looks at me with a giant, fake smile. Her face is thin and gaunt; her eyes can’t seem to focus properly, and I’m fairly sure she’s high.

“What are you thinkin’, then?”

I check around the immediate area and locate an alley. I pull over and yank up the parking break.

“Just blow me.” I unhook my belt and unbutton my jeans.

“Sure!” She’s trying to sound enthusiastic about the whole thing, but she fails.

I stare out the driver’s side window as Angela sucks my cock, trying to focus on the sensation of her lips around me. I close my eyes, lean back in the seat, and try to be in the moment—just feel.

I need to get off, release some tension and ex

perience a moment of pleasure, no matter how brief. If I could come up with some way to relax for a while, I could get through another night or two.

My body is reluctant to cooperate. I’m hard, but I can’t seem to bring about that feeling. Maybe it’s because I know Ralph is standing near the car and looking in on us. Maybe it’s because I know there isn’t anyone there at all.

“Take me deeper.”

Angela complies, licking and sucking my cock as she does. I close my eyes again and concentrate on the warm moisture of her mouth. I hit the back of her throat and feel it constrict around the head of my cock.

“Yeah, that’s it.”

She changes her angle a little, rising up on her knees in the passenger seat. I reach over and squeeze her ass. She’s got a nice bubble butt. I consider getting her up underneath me and fucking her ass instead of just taking the blowjob, but apparently the thought of it is enough to get me going. My thighs contract as I push up into her mouth.

She takes me deep in her throat, and I hold her head while I come. She finishes me off with a long lick around my head and shaft and then sits back in the passenger seat with a disingenuous smile.

I run my tongue over my lips and ride out the aftershocks of the orgasm. At least my body has calmed. I breathe in cool air as I dare to look out into the alley. Ralph is thankfully nowhere to be seen. I button up my jeans, grab my wallet from my back pocket, and toss a couple of bills at Angela.

“Thanks,” I mutter as she opens the door.

“Anytime!” she replies with another fake smile. She walks around the front of the car, out of the alley, and back toward her corner.

I really hope this will be enough to keep me going.

Chapter 7—Untrustworthy Associates

I shouldn’t be here.

Rinaldo and Felisa have been in her apartment for the last two hours. It’s not like I’m out here, staring at the front door, wondering what they are doing—it’s quite clear. I don’t even wonder why it makes me so angry. It is obvious this isn’t a casual fuck for him. If it were, he’d already be done with her, not buying her diamonds.

They were at Tiffany’s earlier, picking out matching earrings to go with the bracelet.

Knowing Felisa is also acting as Rinaldo’s therapist doesn’t make it any easier. In fact, it just seems to lead me to try to psychoanalyze him. He has Lele. He loves her—I know this. He’s been head over heels for her since the day he met her, and that’s never changed.

So why is he doing this now? Did something change while I was gone?

I've been racking my brain about him, and it's led me to consider myself as well. I know I'm far worse than he is, but if Rinaldo can screw things up, how am I supposed to believe I can do better? I've never had a relationship that's lasted, but I thought Rinaldo's was different. I mean, I don't give a damn about the sex. It's just sex. But feelings? That's something else entirely. Doesn't he realize he's jeopardizing the one thing with real meaning in his life? He has to know that power can be taken away in a heartbeat—but love? No, nobody can just take that away.

I didn’t grow up in the business, and Rinaldo did. That doesn’t make me any less consumed by it now, but I didn’t start out that way. I’m not sure the way I started was any better, but it was definitely different.

I pace back and forth a bit. The wind shifts and brings the intoxicating smell of grilled meats from the steak and sushi place down the street. I’m hungry, and it’s almost enough to make me abandon my post.

I’m really not sure why I’m still standing out here in the cold. There isn’t any point. It’s not like I’m going to jump out at Rinaldo and yell “Boo!” when he emerges from the building. If he were to come out, I’d hide myself away quickly to make sure he doesn’t realize I’ve been following him. He wouldn’t be happy about that.

Rinaldo is right about one thing: I would never hurt him.