How did she understand me so well?

“I could go with distraction,” I countered as I lowered the towel a little. Lia continued to glare with her arms crossed.

I sighed and copied her gesture.

“Why did you threaten that woman?” Lia demanded. “Why was that necessary?”

“It was necessary to shut her up,” I answered. “I did it to keep you from seeing a side of me you really don’t want to run into.”

“Do you get bigger muscles and turn green?” she asked.


“I wasn’t raised like this, Evan! In my house, you didn’t threaten people when you were angry, and you didn’t lie. And you certainly didn’t kill people for money!”

“You wanted to know!” I slammed the glass down onto the windowsill and then shouted at her as I moved toward the bed. “You wanted to know what all this shit was about. I didn’t want to fucking tell you, and I told you once it was out, I couldn’t take it back, but you still wanted to know!”

“Knowing doesn’t mean I’m okay with it!” she yelled back. “It definitely doesn’t mean I’m going to participate in any of it!”

I took another step forward, and Lia pushed herself backwards with her hands and the heels of her feet until she reached the center of the bed. I didn’t know exactly what she meant by not participating, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know the details. I just knew that if she kept talking, I was going to get really pissed off, and I had to get her to stop.

“You need to cut it out,” I told her. My knees bumped up against the bed. “Just drop it.”

“No,” she said firmly. “I’m not going back to doing whatever the hell my boyfriend tells me to do. I’ve lived that life—not anymore.”

I couldn’t take it anymore. In frustration, I moved forward, grabbed both her wrists in my hands, and held them up above her head as I pushed her into the mattress. Tossing one leg over her torso, I straddled her and leaned in close, which caused the towel around my waist to fall off to the side of the bed.

“You are pissing me off,” I growled.

“So what are you going to do about it?” Lia’s jaw was set and her eyes tight—almost daring me. I wasn’t sure exactly what she was daring me to do, but the feeling was still there.

“I don’t know yet. I’m not used to this shit.”

“What ‘shit’?”

“Having someone around who is questioning what I do or say.”

“Is that what I’m doing?”


“Maybe you need it,” Lia said. She tilted her head to one side a bit and twisted her hands. I didn’t release her wrists—I tightened my grip a little instead.

Having her lying there beneath me—even though she was clothed—was getting me obviously hard. I watched Lia’s eyes glance down and dilate slightly at the sight of my cock lying on her stomach and growing by the second.

I pulled her wrists together and gathered them in one hand before reaching down and taking my cock with the other hand. I wrapped my fingers around the shaft and stroked it a couple of times.

“Maybe you need to keep your mouth shut,” I suggested as an alternative. “Maybe I need to give you something to fill it up for a while.”

Her eyes narrowed again.

“You think I’m really in the mood right now?”

“I think you’re usually in the mood for my cock, yes.”

“I’m mad at you,” she reminded me. She twisted her hips a bit but stopped as I tightened my thighs against her body.

“You aren’t going anywhere,” I informed her.