“I think that’s an invitation to an underground party.”

We locked stares for a long moment. Trent eventually cracked half of an insincere smile and then nodded.

“I’ll be seeing you around.” He turned and walked out the door.

I dropped my ass on the couch and rubbed my temples. Odin assumed he was free to leave his bed because he came up and leaned his fuzzy mug on my knee. I rubbed at his head and tried to calm myself down a bit.

None of this was going to work.

Despite promises to Trent, I had no idea how I was going to get into Greco’s confidence—none whatsoever. Even if I did have a plan, it certainly wasn’t going to be easy, and part of my strategy was going to have to include figuring out a way for Moretti to believe I was still working for him.

I was, really.

He just wasn’t going to know it.

But I had to make him think he knew it.

Fuck, none of the shit even made sense to me, so how was I going to pull it all off?

Lia came back just a few minutes la


“That was odd,” she said as she walked in.

“What was?”

“There was a guy downstairs near the dumpsters,” she told me. “He started asking me a lot of weird questions. I guess maybe he was the building super or something.”

My stomach churned.

“What did he look like?”

“A little older,” she said. “Maybe as old as fifty. He was wearing a suit and tie. His hair was getting pretty gray, and he had a beard.”

Agent Johnson.

“What did he want to know?”

“He asked if I lived here,” she told me. “I guess he wanted to make sure I wasn’t just dumping my trash in his dumpsters.”

Fucking bastards, tag-teaming me like that, one of them delaying Lia so the other could harass me. My skin felt hot at the thought. I took a couple of steps toward her and grabbed her arms.

“What did you tell him?” I demanded.

“Evan!” Lia yelled as she pulled from me. “What the hell?”

Her eyes blazed, and I realized how it must have seemed.

“Sorry,” I muttered. “I’m a bit on edge. I don’t want people bothering you.”

“He didn’t bother me; he was just asking weird questions.”

“Like what?” I tried to calm myself and released her arms. The whole “hiding my identity” bullshit was seriously frustrating.

Maybe it would be easier to just come clean.
