Alexandra stifled a laugh. When she glanced up at me, I raised an eyebrow, silently reminding her how miserable she was just last season when Liam was due to be born. Before those last few weeks, I would have sworn my wife never complained about a single thing a day in her life.

Well, except maybe about her husband when he was being an ass. Thankfully that didn’t happen too often these days.

Parnell gathered up his daughters, and we bid my sister’s family goodbye. We would not see them again until after their next child was born since travel was becoming difficult for Ida. Once they were off down the road, Alexandra and I headed back inside to prepare for the night.

Sunniva was waiting for us when we entered, and she fussed over the babe for a few minutes before she tired herself out and had to hand him back to his mother. I worried for my adoptive mother and knew in my heart she had no more than a few seasons left in her. In some ways I was surprised she had lasted so long without Camden at her side. I wondered if I would be able to survive a decade without Alexandra and quickly determined that I would not.

Prince Branford and Prince Camden ran up to their grandmother and hugged her tightly before they were ushered off by Edith to their own bedrooms. Greysen was still out in the barracks with the new recruits and would train them well into the night, so Edith would have a while to get the children to sleep before her husband returned to her. The leader of my army had his work cut out for him even without the threat of war upon us.

While Edith tended to the older children, Alexandra and I took our newborn to our own room and laid him down in his basket near our bed. He was certainly the loudest of all our sons and had not yet learned that those around him needed their sleep on occasion. We had barely had more than a couple hours of sleep at a time since he was born.

Alexandra changed her clothing quickly and crawled into bed. I knew we would soon be able to come together again, but I wondered if she would have the energy if Liam did not begin to sleep longer. Perhaps if I was better about getting up when he woke, she would not be so tired.

After tossing enough logs on the fire to keep away the chill of the night, I slid under the blankets and pulled my wife close to me. Though I would always want more if given my choice, I was also content with holding her against me and running my hand through her hair. Just having her close to me and safe was all that I needed.

I kissed Alexandra’s temple and sighed. Maybe Father Tucker was right after all. Maybe I had paid for my sins, and now I did deserve what I had attained. I strived to be a man, in every sense of the word

, who deserved a woman like Alexandra, and though I still made stupid, insensitive mistakes, they were much fewer and further between.

More importantly, they tended to only impact me, and even then, it usually came down to whether or not Alexandra was too angry with me to share my bed. That in itself was deterrent enough to change my behavior, and I was still quite upset to hear that my own sister had suggested such a “punishment” after I had backhanded one of the men for taking too long carving the stone benches for Alexandra’s Gathering Place.

I supposed I deserved it. I rarely let such things get to me now, but the habits of my former years were difficult to break. I tried, and when I failed, Alexandra was there to remind me how important our people were to us.

As if I could forget such a thing.

Tonight she was not upset with me but only exhausted from a long day and frequent sleepless nights. With smooth motions, I gently massaged her shoulders, and she let out a long, cleansing breath as I silently thanked God for everything and nothing in particular.

I touched her forehead with my mouth, and I held her close to me as a small grin refused to leave my lips. Before long, Alexandra’s breathing slowed into a steady rhythm, indicating her slumber. She was peaceful, safe, and loved, which is all I really wanted for her. I understood that now and did my best to meet those goals.

Having my people content, well-fed, and happy gave my wife peace.

Making sure the kingdom was serene kept her safe.

Holding her close to me as she slept told her she was loved.

Just as she relaxed into me fully, I heard a slight stirring from the edge of the bed and Liam’s cries echoed through the room. Alexandra startled at the sound and then let out a groan.

“I have him,” I whispered into her hair. I slipped out of bed and picked up my youngest son, cradling him against my chest as I brought him back to our bed and laid him between us. Alexandra rolled to her side, and I placed the babe next to her breast. He took the nipple in his mouth and sucked greedily for a minute before he closed his eyes again.

Alexandra curled her arm underneath her head to give Liam the room he needed before she closed her eyes as well. I reached out and placed my hand on her side, effectively wrapping my arm around them both as I smiled at my wife and my newest child. I was quite positive there was nothing in the world more beautiful.

And that is when I knew peace.

~~The End~~