“Yes, sire!”


“My king?”

“Bring Whitney to the field.”

Our eyes met, and I could see within his that he knew exactly what I intended to do. He had not the stomach for it, but he nodded his acceptance and began to push the princess out of the chamber.

“What of those two?” Rylan asked.

I looked to Hedda and Jared, both still bound and gagged with tears running down their faces. They had just watched their mother die, and they had to know Whitney was next. Jared was a stranger to me since he had only just begun to battle in tournaments, but I recalled Hedda. Alexandra had even talked of taking care of her as a babe. She had grown much since I had last seen her a few years ago.

“No supporter of Hadebrand survives,” I said simply. I waved over one of the soldiers, and he came forth to bow before me. I leaned close to him and put my hand on his shoulder. “Kill the offspring of Hadebrand. Be quick and merciful, and deliver the heads of the royal family to the front of the castle when it is done.”

I could see the man’s throat bob slightly as his gaze met with the young girl’s fearful expression. He nodded quickly, and I could see the resignation in his eyes.

“Yes, my king.”

“Good man,” I said quietly as I took my hand from his shoulder. He looked up to meet my gaze, and I could see the questions in his eyes. “Survivors with grudges lead to future wars. With each of their lives, you save the lives of your kingdom’s future children.”

I saw the understanding in his expression, and I knew the deed would be done quickl

y. I did not look at Jared or Hedda again but looked instead to their sister, whose blood would soon be on my hands in a much more direct way. I took one more glance at the soldier who would be the executioner of the youngest of Edgar’s children.

“It will be done,” he said. His voice was hoarse and caught in his throat.

“You will perform this duty,” I said, making sure we both knew there was no question about it.

“It is my honor to serve Silverhelm, King Branford,” he said with a more definitive tone.

I nodded and followed Rylan out the door to the tournament arena behind Hadebrand’s castle. It was the very same place I had first laid eyes on my beautiful wife. I remembered it vividly.

“What is your name?” I questioned the beautiful creature before me. I was glad for my armor and the ability it had to hide my excitement and lust.

“Alexandra, my lord.” She responded so quietly I only barely made out her answer. I watched the color brighten her cheekbones until she dipped her head, causing her hair to fall across part of her face.

“Are you agreeable?” I asked as I tilted my head to get a better view of the face she tried to hide behind her long hair.

“My lord?” she asked quietly. She obviously did not understand my meaning.

“Are you agreeable, Alexandra?” I said again. I decided to make an official proposal so there would be no further doubt in the young maid’s mind. “Will you agree to marry me?”

I had been so sure of my course, and I knew my action would anger Edgar into a response. He had already made it clear he believed Sterling lands should be part of Hadebrand, and having the son of those lands insult him in such a way would require action. I had given no thought to the handmaid whose life I would turn upside down in my quest for King Edgar’s head. I had no idea what I would drag her into. Even if I had known at the time, it would not have mattered to me.

I no longer cared as much about Sterling lands, avenging my parents, or Edgar’s death. The only thing that mattered was Alexandra, and I still had no idea where she was. If I could have gone back and changed it all, I would have, without a doubt. I would have found a way to still take her as my wife without destroying both kingdoms in the process.

The moon was high in the sky, and torches lined the center of the arena where four strong horses stood in a row. I walked steadily into the center where Parnell stood with Whitney’s arms held behind her back. She struggled against him with anger in her eyes and jeers on her lips.

“You will release me, you foul creature!” she yelled at him. “How dare you! You are nothing more than a…a breeder of beasts!”

She twisted again, and Sir Rylan raised an eyebrow.

“Shall I silence her?” he asked. He held a piece of cloth in his hands.

“No,” I said. I shook my head as I walked straight up to her. “I want answers.”

“You’ll get nothing from me!” Whitney snorted at me and stomped her foot.