Branford rose from his chair and pulled me against his chest, crushing his lips against mine. Though I knew it was my duty to resist, I was incapable of denying myself to him and his passion. I parted my lips and tasted his tongue in my mouth as I circled his neck with my arms.

“I cannot stand for you to be away from me!” He moaned against my lips. “If I had known last night, I would have taken you again.”

“I know, my Branford,” I whispered back. I ran my hands from his neck into his hair, tilting his head to look at me. “I love you, and I will be back soon enough. We can try again.”

He blinked a few times and looked to one side, nodding his head but still not releasing my waist. His gaze found the window, and he seemed to contemplate the falling snow as his fingers pulled me closer to him.

“I hate this!” he suddenly yelled. He turned his blazing eyes back to me, and I could not help but cringe a little though I knew I was safer here in his strong arms than anywhere else in the kingdom. “I hate being separated from you, and I hate that you are still not…not…”

He lowered his head to my shoulder as his hot breath came out of his mouth in pants.

“I know, my Branford,” I said softly. “I know it pains you…I am so sorry.”

He wrapped his arms tighter around my back and he pulled me even closer against his body.

“My anger is not directed toward you, my wife,” Branford said, his voice slightly calmer. He looked out the window again and sighed before he rested his cheek on the top of my head. “At the moment, I am only angry with God. I’ll go ask forgiveness from Father Tucker later.”

“I know,” I whispered against his neck. I felt his lips on the top of my head, and I pressed mine against his throat. “I must go now.”

“I do not want you to.”

I reached up and stroked the side of his face. He was so beautiful, even when he demonstrated his petulant side. His grip on me tightened, and I allowed him to pull me close for another moment. I heard his sigh as his hands dropped from me. “Go quickly before I change my mind.”

I nodded and headed out the door.


“Yes?” I looked back to his pained eyes.

“I love you, my wife.”

I smiled at him.

“And I love you, my Branford.”

Though most of the kingdom would agree, Branford’s marriage to me had tempered him somewhat, but he was often still a mystery to his people. He hid what was inside him most of the time and rarely showed his emotions. He tried to keep many of his thoughts to himself, even from his adoptive parents, but never from me. Truly, there was little Branford could keep from me even when he tried. I knew he was allying with Seacrest and Peaks—securing armies to win back the childhood home that was precious to him. He also spoke to Parnell late in the night about bringing both Wynton and even the Village of the Eagle back into Silverhelm lands.

Someday, there would be another war.

As he began to feel his years, Camden’s health was frail, and it was possible Branford would take the throne within the next year. The fact that I had not yet given him a child was tearing him apart, and I knew it. As much as he prepared for another war, he dared not attempt battle with Hadebrand again as long as he had no heir.

I longed to make it so—to give him that peace—but there was nothing I could do.

Even as Branford whispered to me that it was God’s will, and He would grant me a child when He saw fit, I knew that sentiment did not really hold true for my husband. He neede

d a child of his seed, and time was running out. I wasn’t sure what would happen if I did not conceive soon. I had not truly allowed the idea to enter my thoughts, even when I remembered the words King Camden spoke to me when I was still new to this castle.

The Women’s Room was warm and inviting with its fires burning brightly. I took my place at the far side of the room where the large bed had been moved away from the chill of the window. Janet arranged my things on a table and hugged me briefly.

“I’ll get your tea,” she said, “and I will make sure the kitchen sends Sir Branford his favorite foods for his supper tonight.”

“Thank you, Janet,” I replied. “He may not appreciate it, but at least he may eat.”

“I’ll make sure of it, Lady Alexandra.”

As I settled in and picked up my most recent sewing, the door opened to reveal Ida, her rounded stomach looking more and more protruding every day.

“Ida, you are so close!” I exclaimed. “You look as though your child will be brought forth any moment now.”