My body shuddered and clamped down on his fingers. I heard his own gasp as I reached out and wrapped my fingers around his arm. My head thrashed from side to side as he kept up his steady rhythm until I fell apart completely. His kisses trailed from below my ear, down my neck, and back up again.

Branford shifted, and I opened my legs to him more completely as he settled between them and readied himself. With soft touches from his lips against my temple, I felt him guide himself into my body, and the warm, welcome pleasure washed over me as he pushed forward and buried himself in me.

As we connected—his body joining with mine so completely—I took a long, deep breath. It was the first I had been able to fill my lungs since he had gone off to war. I felt the touch of his tongue on my nipples, licking in circles at first, but then sucking in earnest. His hands explored where his mouth did not, all the while keeping his slow, steady thrusts inside of me.

“So beautiful…so soft…my wife…” he mumbled into my skin.

I touched his hair, his arms, and his shoulders—running my hands over and over his skin as if I could not get enough of it. I couldn’t. He said it was not over—he may even be leaving yet tonight. I wrapped my arms around him and raised my head up to run my cheek over the top of his. He released my nipple and he kissed me, his tongue caressing mine as his hips continued their ceaseless rhythm.

Branford’s warm hands were in my hair, on my face, sliding over my ribs and down to my hips. Even with the heat of the summer night heavy in the air, his touch was comforting to my skin. I reached around his back, tightly gripping the muscles just below his shoulders as his movements began to quicken. I lay my head back, wrapped my legs around his hips, and tried to match his hurried movements.

I heard his low moan as I felt him empty inside of me, his body suddenly going taut as his hips collided with mine. He held himself there a moment before his muscles relaxed, and he rolled to his side, holding me close and nuzzling the skin at my neck.

“Do you need anything?” I asked softly. “Water? Or tea?”

“I just want to hold you.” His head rested heavily on my shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me. I felt his fingers skim my belly before they wrapped around my waist, and he pulled me close. I reached for his hair, stroking it softly from the top of his head, down his temple, and then down to his chin.

“If it is not over,” I asked tentatively, “how are you here?”

“I had to see you…be with you,” he said. “I have been insane without you.”

I felt his fingertips clench, digging into my skin.

“I rode alone. I left the rest of them behind, hiding in the forests. God, Alexandra—what have I done?”

My muscles tensed as the words poured from his mouth in a rush.

“I had good men, Alexandra.” He raised his head to look me in the eyes. The sorrow etched on his face tore at my heart. “I trained them myself…they were good soldiers. But there were just too many against us. I did not believe Edgar could gather such an army together in so short a time. I didn’t realize…”

His breath hitched in his throat, and he held his eyes closed tightly.

“They are almost all dead,” he said softly. He opened his eyes, and they implored me for an answer. “Where did he get so many men? You lived in his house...where did they come from?”

I could only shake my head in response.

“I am responsible for all of it. I knew when I chose you, it would be the final straw—the final insult to bring him to action. I did it with purpose and clear intent. All of their deaths are on my hands. All of them my fault...and I…I…I do not regret my actions.”

His gaze darted to mine again, and his hand reached to my cheek. He stroked my skin softly.

“I cannot regret them,” he said quietly, “for they brought you to me. God must have had some plan in mind, because He gave you to me. But the cost…so high…but you are so, so worth it to me.”

His other hand came up, and he held my face between his palms. His eyes looked deep into me as he leaned forward.

“I love you, my beautiful wife. You are my world, and regardless of the loss, I would never, ever take back any of my actions if it would mean I could not have you. I love you.”

My skin began to tingle as his words became clear, and I tried to search his eyes for some indication I had either heard wrong, or the words were not true. I found none and chastised myself for even considering it. Branford was not the kind of man to say such words without cause.

“Branford…” I reached up and touched his face, drawing my fingers over his jaw before I lifted my head up and placed my lips against his. “I love you, my husband. You are everything to me.”

His eyes widened as he looked down at me.

“I did not truly even dream…” he started to say, but quickly shook his head and ended his sentence with his mouth against mine. He continued to whisper the words against my mouth as I did the same. Eventually, he moved his lips to my neck, settling into the place he seemed to like the most. He held me, and I ran my fingers through his hair for some time before he spoke again.

“I have to surrender.” Branford’s whispered words cut through me. “If I surrender now, allow them to take what they have already gained without protest, I should at least be able to keep them away from here—away from you. To keep him away from my people, I will have to give him what he wants.”

“What does he want?” I asked.

“Sterling Castle,” Branford said. “He has always wanted it.”